Midnight Pleasures - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,25

touch of her hand, the taste of her lips.

She turned as he came up behind her. "My lord Darkfest, is that you?"

"Aye." He sat down beside her, his insides quivering. "Channa Leigh, would you grant me a boon?"

"If I can, my lord. What is it you wish of me?"

"A kiss," he replied, chagrined at the unexpected quiver in his voice. "Would you grant me a kiss?"

She hesitated a moment. Was she repulsed by his request?

Or was it only maidenly modesty that made her delay before answering?

"And would you grant me a boon in return?" she asked at last.

"If I can."

"I should like to see your face," she said.

" 'Tis a bargain then. The wolf will come to you later." He drew his knife and placed it in her hand. "When he comes to you, cut off a bit of his hair and place it in this pouch."

"Will he let me?"


"Will you collect your boon now?" she asked, her fingers closing around the small leather sack.

"Nay. On the morrow, when the sun is new, we shall look upon each other. For now, I bid you good night."

"Good night, my lord."

She did not hear his footsteps, but she knew that he had left, knew she was there alone.

She sat by the fire until her eyelids grew heavy, and then she sought her blankets.

She was on the brink of sleep when a cold nose pushed against her hand. "Magick, is that you?"

The wolf whined softly as he stretched out beside her.

Channa Leigh sat up, her fingers searching for the knife she had placed nearby. "I need a bit of your fur," she said as her hand closed over the blade. She let out a soft cry of pain as the sharp blade pricked her palm. Taking hold of the handle with one hand, she gathered a bit of the wolf's fur in the other. Able to see now, she cut off some of the wolf's fur and placed it in the leather pouch.

"Thank you, Magick."

The wolf whined softly and licked her cheek.

'Tomorrow I am to see his face," she remarked, stroking the wolf's neck. "Will I find it frightening, do you think? Sometimes, when he is near, I feel so strange. Not afraid, exactly," she mused, and then paused. 'I don't know how to explain it. Maybe a little of what I feel is fear," she admitted.

"He is so powerful. I felt it today, in the valley. I was glad I could not see then."

The wolf looked up at her expectantly.

"No walk tonight." She slid under the covers and the wolf stretched out beside her.

He watched her steadily until she fell asleep; then he transformed into his own shape. Picking up the pouch, he walked away into the darkness.
Part One CHAPTER 10
She woke with the warmth of the sun on her face and a sense of anticipation. On the morrow, he had said, when the sun is new, we shall look upon each other.

Throwing the covers aside, she sat up. "My lord?"

"I am here, Channa Leigh."

" 'Tis dawn."

"Aye. Are ye ready?"

"Aye," she replied tremulously. "I am."

"Hold out your hand."

She did as he asked, her fingers closing over something soft. She started to ask what it was, but then she knew. It was the wolf's fur, twisted into a tight braid.

She felt his hand close over hers.

"I am Darkfest," he said, his voice soft yet ringing with power. "Master of fire and light. Believe, Channa Leigh, and receive thy sight."

Heat flowed into her hand, raced up her arm. She trembled as his power poured into her, as warm as the sunlight on her face. She blinked and blinked again as her vision cleared. Looking up, she saw him watching her.

He wore a black shirt open at the throat and black trousers tucked into supple black boots. A long black cloak fell from his broad shoulders. She had not expected him to be handsome, but he was. Undeniably so. Why hadn't her father told her? Darkfest's hair fell past his shoulders, thick and black. His brows were slightly arched, his nose straight, his lips full. His expression was stern but not cruel. But it was his eyes that held her gaze. Green eyes that were familiar somehow. He was tall, as she had expected. She was sorely tempted to run her hands over his shoulders, to press her palms to his chest. She folded her arms tightly over her breasts to keep from reaching for him. His arms were long and well muscled, his hands

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