Midnight Pleasures - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,23

to face her. "I did, but only for a moment. He doubted my power. He doubts no more."

"And wishes to wed me no more."

"Does that sadden ye?"

She searched her heart, then shook her head. "Still, it was cruel to treat him thus."

"Would ye rather I had left him that way? I canna have him following us, and I willna be responsible for his safety. And there's an end to it."

And so saying, he urged his horse forward.

The mare trotted obediently behind.
Part One CHAPTER 9
Because it grieved him to think of her being in darkness, because he longed to feel her touch upon him once more, he gathered his power around him and transformed into the wolf that night.

"Magick!" Her voice was filled with joy when he laid his head in her lap. "What are you doing here? How did you know where I was?"

He growled low in his throat as he felt his energy flow out of him. Out of him and into her as her hands fisted in the fur at his neck.

"Sure and you are a magic wolf!" she exclaimed softly. "For your eyes have changed color again!" They were green now, as green as new grass. She ran her hands over his head and neck as she glanced at her surroundings. They were in a small dell surrounded by lacy ferns and night-blooming flowers that filled the air with a sweet perfume. Overhead, a million stars twinkled on a bed of indigo velvet. A small fire burned nearby, fingers of orange and crimson dancing brightly in the darkness.

"But where is he?" she wondered aloud. "The wizard? Do you know where he goes? I think he worked mischief upon Ronin this very day." She smiled wistfully. " 'Twas brave of Ronin to come after me."

The wolf growled low in his throat.

She looked down at the wolf. "You disagree?"

The wolf barked once.

"Well, 'tis no matter now. My lord Darkfest frightened Ronin away. I doubt he shall ever find the courage to face my lord Darkfest again. Nor can I blame him. The wizard is a powerful man, and though I fear him greatly, I shall never forget how he saved my mother's life."

The wolf licked her hand, his tail thumping against the ground.

"Dare we go for a walk?" she asked.

The wolf stood, his tail wagging. Thrusting her hand into the thick ruff at his neck, she walked away from the fire and into the darkness. The grass beneath her feet was a thick deep green.

"I wonder where he is," she mused again. "Do you know him? I should very much like to know what he looks like. I can tell he is a tall man, for when he speaks to me, his voice is above my head. His voice is rich and deep, but not unkind, though I sense a great sadness there. Perhaps because he lives alone?" She walked a few moments in silence. "I wonder why he lives alone. He seems of an age to have a wife."

She gasped with pleasure when she came to a small moonlit pool. Kneeling, she put her hand in the water. "A hot spring," she said. "It feels heavenly." She glanced around. "Do I dare... ? Will you guard me if I slip into the water?"

The wolf barked, his eyes bright as she removed her shoes and stockings, unbraided her hair, undressed quickly, and slid into the warm water.

"Magick? Are you there?"

The wolf moved to the edge of the water, stretched out on his belly, and pushed his head against her shoulder. Her fingers immediately delved into his fur. She sighed with pleasure as she relaxed in the effervescent water. Leaning her head back, she gazed up at the stars.

"Aren't they beautiful? They shine so. Do you see?"

The wolf whined softly.

"I was to wed Ronin next year," she said with a sigh. "And though I did not love him, he was my only hope for marriage. Ah, well, perhaps someday another will want me. I hope so, for I should dearly love to have a child of my own." Tears thickened her voice. "Will you come to me, then, Magick? Will you be my eyes so I can see my child's face?"

The wolf licked her cheek.

"I shall take that for a yes."

She lingered there a moment more, until the wolf took her hand in his mouth and gave a gentle tug.

"Right you are," she said. "Sure and we'd best go back."

The wolf watched her as she rose from the pool, the

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