Midnight Hero - By Diana Duncan Page 0,68

and his hot, fetid breath assaulted her lips.

She wrenched her head to the side, avoiding the violation. He fisted her hair in his hand and brutally yanked her head back. Her abused scalp burned. She could not move. Could not stop him from taking what he wanted. She ground her teeth together to trap the scream bubbling in her throat.

Suddenly, her attacker’s body rammed into hers. He arched like a bow and the gun went flying. Then he dropped to the floor, landing on his hands and knees.

Nan stood behind him, brandishing the dented office chair. “If you think mama will sit there like a trained poodle while you attack my friend,” she panted. “You’ve got another think coming, creepazoid.”

Stunned, the robber swayed on all fours. He fought to gain his footing, and Bailey grabbed Nan’s hand and tugged. “Nan, run!”

Nan bent over, immobilized by another contraction. “Oooh. Not now.” She moaned. “Can’t. Bailey, go!”

No way was she leaving Nan and the baby. She pushed her friend behind the Christmas tree. She had to stop the criminal from coming after them! Her frantic gaze careened around the area. Ah! There! So, he liked women with a strong spine, did he? She’d show him a strong spine.

She sprinted toward the Nutcracker. Running full out, she slammed her shoulder into it. The big soldier swayed. She planted her boot soles against the faux marble floor and shoved with all her might. The Nutcracker rocked on its platform.

The robber rose on his knees, looked wildly around for the gun. “I’ll kill you bitches.”

A fireball of resolve exploded inside her. She could not let him gain his feet! She shoved harder. Screeching nails rent the air, lumber cracked, and the soldier toppled onto the robber. Her combatant lay facedown in the snow batting, motionless under the heavy wooden figure.

Panting, Bailey dropped to her knees. Resting her elbows on the broken wooden base, she cradled her spinning head in her hands. He wasn’t dead. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but she did. He was unconscious, but menace still shivered in the air. He was still breathing. If she’d learned anything tonight, it was the human body’s resilience.

She felt no regret. No shame. Just numb relief. She’d done what she had to. Heavy, silent moments passed, broken only by her raspy breathing.

“Bailey!” Con’s arms wrapped around her waist. He turned her as carefully as if she were one of the fragile glass ornaments broken in pieces at her feet. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”

She burrowed her face in his shoulder. Inhaled his familiar, reassuring scent. “N-no.”

He drew back slightly and cupped her face in his hands. “Let me see, baby.” His dark, concerned gaze traveled over her.

The implications of what she’d narrowly escaped walloped her with hurricane force. She started to tremble. Fought the urge to vomit. “He had a gun. He touched me…He tried to—”

Con spat out a curse. He seethed with fury, a volcano about to erupt. “I’ll feed the SOB his own liver.” His taut muscles quivered, giving away his inner war to subdue his rage—even as he lovingly rocked her in his arms.

Finally his harsh, rapid breaths slowed, and he tenderly brushed back her hair. “Look at me.” He held her gaze and she drew comfort from the steady warmth flickering in his eyes. From the respect stamped on his face. “You beat him, darlin’. You won.”

She ached everywhere. The battle had left bruises on her body. On her soul. She didn’t want a rematch any time this millennium. “If this is what winning feels like, I’d hate to lose.”

He kissed her temple. “I should have been here to protect you. It’s my job to keep you safe.”

She despised the thought of being another burden for him to bear. “Con, no. This is not your fault. Don’t—”

“I’m sorry, baby.” A muscle twitched in his clenched jaw. “I got delayed neutralizing the suspect Nan left in the restroom. He came to and wanted a scuffle before he decided to take another nap. Then I had to secure him in the bookstore’s storeroom.”

“Nan!” Abashed, she jumped to her feet. “Oh, no, how could I forget about her?”

With Con at her heels, she sprinted to the Christmas tree and circled the base.

Propped against a giant package, Nan squatted on the floor. One hand clutched her abdomen. The other brandished the broken chair arm. When she saw them, she dropped the makeshift weapon. “Thank God! Batman and Robin.”

Bailey’s heart stuttered. She’d shoved

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