Midnight Hero - By Diana Duncan Page 0,54

Dad died, Mom hung a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt on the fridge. Something like, ‘You gain strength and courage when you stare fear in the face.’ You can say, ‘I lived through this horror. I’ll handle whatever comes along.’”

“So that’s where you get the ‘crap happens, I’ll handle it’ philosophy.” She swiped at the tears with the back of her hand. “So, tonight is some kind of test? A trial by fire?”

“One way of looking at it, yeah. But you’re not me, and you can’t expect to respond like me.” He swayed, rocking her gently. “I have to walk my road, and you, yours. We’ll arrive at our destination in different ways. But we will do our damnedest. We will arrive. Exactly where, when and how we’re supposed to.”

She eased away to look up at him again. Understanding glinted in her gaze. “We’re on the same path to a shared destiny.”

If she escaped this situation believing in herself, then every moment of suffering was worth it. “We have been since we met. And no matter what happens, no matter how this turns out, hold on to one thought. Be at peace with it. We cannot control the universe. The Man Upstairs knows what he’s doing. Though we may never know the reasons, tonight was meant to be.”

“Even if…” She sucked in a breath. “The worst happens?”

“Especially then.” Pressed body to body, her heart thundered against his. He breathed in her heady fragrance. “Believe in the realm of mysteries.”

Her trembling slowed, then stopped as her inner storm subsided and calmness settled over her. Her heartbeat steadied. “With your words as my wings, your faith in me as my shield, how can I do anything but soar?”

He grinned as his heart soared along with her. “So, you’ll keep the faith?”

“Yes. I have an obligation to the woman I really am.”

“Just be yourself.”

She gave him a wobbly smile that arrowed into his chest. “Have I mentioned lately how wonderful you are?”

They’d traveled a long way from breakfast, when she’d been determined to break up with him. To end their future before they had a chance to live it. Now they might have a shot, if only the bad guys didn’t end it. “Never hurts to say it again.”

“You are wonderful.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.” He glanced around. Still quiet. “You need to rest while the team outside tightens the web.”

She touched his cheek. “There’s a team inside, too. And we’re getting better at working together by the minute.”

“That we are.” He led her back into the tent. “Now, close those man-killer blue eyes and sleep. I’ll wake you when it’s time.”

Bailey’s eyes drifted closed, and her breathing evened out. Her absolute trust warmed him, body and soul. He wouldn’t let her down. Con rubbed the knotted muscles at the back of his neck. The strain of exuding unrelenting confidence had finally caught up with him. For hours, he’d been projecting assurance he didn’t feel. But, for Bailey’s sake, he had to pull it together and keep it together. Not to mention the hostages who were depending on him.

He extracted a tablet of cinnamon gum from his pocket and concentrated on taking slow, deep breaths. While Bailey slept, he silently battled the demons of doubt and terror.

Bailey opened her eyes and blinked in the dim light. “Where am I?” Panic pierced her grogginess and she struggled to throw off the thick comforter.

“Shh. It’s okay, baby,” Con’s quiet voice soothed. “You’re with me.” His strong, warm hand stroked her forehead.

“Con?” She glanced over and saw him sitting beside her, watching her. Dark stubble shadowed his chiseled cheekbones and highlighted his gorgeous mouth. Puzzled, she frowned. He was normally smooth shaven. “What time is it?”

He glanced at his watch. “Nearly twenty-one hundred.”

“Twenty-one hundred? Oh, almost nine.” She studied the rumpled blankets. Drowsy and confused, a tingling memory of scorching kisses and soft caresses swirled in her muddled brain. “Did we sleep together?”

“Now that is not a flattering question.” He laughed softly.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. They were in a tent? The day’s events hurtled back in a blurred rush of fear and running. “Rats. I thought I was having a really sensual dream about you.”

A sexy smile quirked his lips. “Have those often, do you?”

“Not nearly often enough.”

He laughed again, the husky sound making her belly clench. “Maybe sometime soon, you won’t have to resort to dreams.”

Bailey grinned at him. Boy, was he in for a surprise. He’d given her solid ground to stand on. Questions

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