Midnight Hero - By Diana Duncan Page 0,100

what I had to do. But if DiMarco had let you go and walked away, he wouldn’t have been hurt. He chose his own fate.” She stroked Con’s face. “If I hadn’t stopped him, he would have killed you. It’s impossible to bargain with evil or compromise with corruption. I can live with my decision.”

A tiny spiral of hope glittered to life. “You can live with it, but will it haunt you?”

“Remember when you said you still see the face of every man you’ve killed in the line of duty?” He nodded, and she continued. “That’s the difference between us and them. It’s easy for criminals to kill; they don’t think twice about taking a life.” Her smile was gentle. “When it haunts you…that’s how you know you’re one of the good guys.”

The constriction in his chest loosened. She understood the choices he faced every day. She had no doubts they’d both done the right thing. What an amazingly generous, intelligent woman.

Breathe. One more hurdle to jump. “What about seeing me shot, thinking I was dead? Can you live with that, day after day?”

“It’s an awful feeling I never want to experience again.” Bailey bit her lip. “However, you were right all along. All my planning was my way of trying to maintain control.” She snorted. “Ha! There’s no such thing. From now on, I will live in the moment. Live every moment. Every second with you is precious.” She drew a shaky breath. “I won’t waste any more energy worrying. If you’re hurt…or worse…on the job, then I’ll deal with it.”

He held her gaze. “I promise, Bailey, I will do my damnedest to come home to you every night. I won’t try to be a hero.”

“You already are. And you know what?” She touched the bandage on his forehead. “The world needs heroes.”

Hope soared into joy. He feathered his fingers through her silky curls. “No scars, darlin’?” he whispered.

Her smile widened. “Not a one.” She pointed at a thick volume on the nightstand. “There’s a quote in there by Noela Evans. ‘Challenge is a dragon with a gift in its mouth. Tame the dragon, and the gift is yours.’” She paused. “I didn’t understand it before, but I do now. I faced down my worst fears…and conquered them. The privilege of sharing one day with you is worth risking the pain of a lifetime without you.” Firelight flickered in her eyes. Within the warm blue depths he saw wisdom. Resolve. Complete peace. “Con…you’re my gift.”

His heart melted. He’d waited, longed for the moment when she would completely accept him for who and what he was. Once upon a time, he’d thought her as delicate as his mother’s porcelain dolls. But this woman possessed strength and fortitude beyond imagining. He would never doubt, never underestimate her again.

She studied him, her gaze somber. “So, are we okay?”

He grinned, relief and happiness making him feel like he was floating. “Better than okay, baby.”

“Good.” Her copper brows arched. “Because I think it’s about time you made love to me.”

Air exploded from his lungs. “Whoa! Where did that come from?”

She trailed a fingertip along his jaw, down his throat. He shivered under the sensual torture. “From the depths of my heart.”

His body thought it was a damn fine idea. His brain wondered if she was well enough. She’d been through the wringer tonight. “Don’t you want to wait until you’re feeling better? Until—”

She stopped him with gentle fingers on his mouth. “I’m tired of waiting. We’ve waited long enough.” She grinned impishly. “Who knows? There could be a giant, fiery meteor headed our way this very minute.” She replaced her fingers with her lips and kissed him, as hungry for his taste as he was for hers.

Brilliant stars burst inside his head. “Well, when you put it that way…” He kicked off the comforter. Between the fire crackling in the fireplace and the sparks crackling in his blood, it was plenty hot. And he wanted lots of room to maneuver.

“Oh!” She gasped, and he followed her horrified gaze downward, to the three black-and-purple bruises mottling his chest. “What happened?”

“It’s where the Kevlar vest absorbed the rounds. No biggie.”

“Thank God for Kevlar.” She bent and tenderly kissed each bruise. “My poor baby.”

Wherever her soft, moist mouth touched, his skin jumped and quivered in reaction. “On second thought, it kinda hurts here, too.” He pointed to his forehead, and she brushed her lips along his dark brow. “And here.” He touched his bottom lip.

She giggled. “There’s

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