Midnight Caller - By Diane Burke Page 0,52

Erin looked straight at him, her prior fear replaced with anger. “I don’t want this maniac anywhere near my children. What can I do to help you catch him?”

Tony couldn’t take his eyes off her. The flush of color in her cheeks, the flash of anger in her green eyes, the animation in her expression. He smiled. “You’re beautiful when you’re angry.”


“I know.” He raised his hand to ward off any verbal attack. “This is not the time or place. But remind me later to pick up this conversation when things have quieted down and returned to normal.”

Her expression darkened. “Will anything ever be normal again?”

The sadness in her voice reached him at a level he had not experienced before. He wanted to draw her close and keep her safe in the shelter of his arms. The sincerity and depth of those feelings shook him to the core. She looked at him as a trusted friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. That’s what he wanted, wasn’t it? No strings, no expectations. So why did his heart skip every time he looked into her eyes?

“Why don’t you go to your room and lie down?” he suggested.

“Lie down? Sleep is the last thing I want to do.”

He tilted her chin with his finger. “Then don’t sleep, just rest. I’m going to call this in and get some help out here. Meanwhile, I’ll go next door to tell Patrick and Tess what happened.”

“I’ll tell them. I’d feel better if I could help.”

He grabbed her arm and stopped her as she headed toward the door. “You can help…by taking some time to clear your head and get a second wind.” He gave her a gentle push. “Now go. I’ll fill you in on our progress afterward.”

She moved down the hall, each step slow and cumbersome as if it took every ounce of strength she had in her body to keep moving forward. The smile slid from his face. He hit speed dial on his cell phone. “Hello, Spence? It’s Tony. Listen…”


Erin opened her eyes. Light spilled in from under the bathroom door and illuminated her surroundings just enough to assure her she was safe and lying in her own bed. The digital numbers on the clock on her night table glowed 10:00 p.m. She rubbed her eyes, stretched and sat up. Two hours, gone. She could have sworn she wouldn’t have been able to sleep. But then again, maybe sleep wasn’t the right word. Maybe passed out cold would be a better description. Someone moved around on the other side of her bathroom door. Before she could be frightened, she heard a knock. The door swung open and Tony poked his head inside her room. “Good, you’re up.” He turned on the bedside lamp.

She shielded her eyes against the sudden brightness. “I’m awake, but I can’t promise all my brain cells are up and running yet.”

Tony smiled.

“How are the children?” she asked. “What’s been happening for the past two hours? Have you…”

“Whoa.” Tony held up his hand in a halting motion. “The kids are fine. Tess is fine. Patrick is fine. The house is fine. Everyone is A-okay and there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Nothing to worry about?” Erin laughed humorlessly. “A deranged killer left a package on my front porch and you tell me there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Okay, let me amend that statement. No one but cops are around here at the moment. My team picked up the package to be checked for forensic evidence. The porch and the kitchen have been dusted for prints. Spence and Winters, the other detectives on the case, are in the kitchen waiting for me. I’ve called my sergeant and he’s arranged for temporary police protection. Two officers will be here at all times starting first thing tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow morning?”

Tony nodded. “Our bad guy has accomplished what he set out to do. He wanted to terrorize you and he did. You’ll be safe tonight. I personally guarantee it. I’m going to be your bodyguard.”


Tony gently twisted one of her auburn curls around his finger. “Did you think after everything that’s happened that I would leave you?” He leaned closer, so close she could feel a brush of air skim across her face when he spoke and could smell the cool crisp mint of mouthwash on his breath. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Trust me.”

Erin saw determination and something else, something tender in his eyes. “I do trust you, Tony. I think I always have.”


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