Midnight Caller - By Diane Burke Page 0,20

I still want you to file a report.”

Erin sighed loudly.

“And I don’t want you to think that what I’m about to say is my way of asking you for a date. I know better than to try that.”

A tentative smile crossed her lips.

“But I would like to stop by now and then. Make sure the three of you are safe. Just for my own peace of mind. This would be official business only, of course.”

Peace of mind? Around Erin? That’s an oxymoron. There’s never peace of mind around Erin. There’s a ferocious need to protect her. Defend her. Coupled, of course, with a healthy personal interest that just keeps rearing its persistent head no matter how much I don’t want it to. Protect and defend. That’s my job. Male interest. That’s an area I just won’t allow myself to act upon.

“What do you say?” He smiled widely and winked.

“Well, if it’s official business, Detective, how can I say ‘no’?”


Two weeks later

Erin ducked her head into the living room to check on Jack and Amy. Satisfied that both children were engrossed in a video, she returned to the kitchen and plopped on a stool.

“Kids okay?” Carol glanced up from the cookbook she’d been perusing.

“Yep. I stood in the doorway for five minutes and they didn’t move a muscle. I can’t understand how they can be mesmerized by a movie they’ve seen at least a dozen times.”

Carol laughed. “Count your blessings.”

“Can you believe it’s been two weeks since Easter? Time’s been going by in a flash and there never seems to be enough of it.”

“I guess a certain detective with a permanent place setting at your dinner table could tend to make time fly, huh?”

Erin rolled her eyes. “Let me guess. Tess has been running at the mouth again.”

“I never disclose my sources. But you can’t deny it. I’ve driven by and seen his car once or twice myself. Looks like you took my advice and decided to give the guy a chance.”

“I am not dating Detective Marino.”

Carol raised an eyebrow.

“I’m not. He’s a professional mooch. He praises Tess’s cooking. He knows it automatically gets him an invitation for dinner.”

“Wow, a winker and a freeloader. There’s no end to this man’s vices.”

Erin shot her a look.

“And after dinner?”

Erin shrugged nonchalantly. “He stays for a while. Sometimes he plays video games with Jack, or he dries the dishes while Tess bends his ear.” Erin lowered her eyes and stirred her coffee. “A few times we’ve sat on the porch and talked. But we are definitely not dating.”

“Semantics, girl. Who do you think you’re fooling? You know you like him. Why don’t you admit it?”

“Of course, I like him. My stomach plunges to the floor every time I get within ten feet of him.”

“So? When does the real dating begin? Or is he just eye candy for you?”

Erin laughed and tossed a rumpled up napkin at her friend. “We have an unspoken agreement. He doesn’t ask me for a date and I don’t interfere with him getting home-cooked meals on a regular basis.”

Carol tilted her head to the side and studied Erin. “And you haven’t claimed this wonderful man as your own because? Let me guess. You’re still in your no-man-in-my-life-ever-again phase. And let’s not forget he’s a cop, too.” Carol’s expression darkened. “I can’t believe you’re so stubborn you’re blowing a potentially perfect relationship over his job. I don’t get it.”

“It isn’t his job…not completely.”

“Wait. Before you say another word about him being a cop, answer one question. What do you think of him as a man?”

“He’s the nicest guy I’ve ever met. There’s a quiet strength and dependability about him.” Erin, lost in thought, stared into space. “He’s so good with Jack. He’s wrapped Tess around his little finger. She thinks the man can do no wrong.”

“Have you had a chance to talk with him about his religious beliefs?”

“No. But I know he’s a Christian. He’s passed all of Tess’s tests and has graduated to saying grace at the table now whenever he’s over.”

“He’s a Christian. He’s good with both Jack and Tess. He’s a nice guy. I get that. But you haven’t answered my question. What do you think of the man?” Carol stopped looking at the pictures in the cookbook and stared intently at her friend.

Erin met her gaze. “I’ve never been so drawn to a man before in my life.” Her voice trembled. “If I let my guard down…”

Carol waited for her to continue.

“I could fall in love with

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