Midnight Awakening - By Lara Adrian Page 0,113

him with her memory.

Yes, she was your weakness. I knew that when I went to her that night. You remember, don't you? The night she was abducted from your home while you were out on patrol with my brother on one of his endless missions?

Tegan lifted his gaze to Marek. You...

The vampire's smile was cruel, full of amusement. Yes, me. She and Dragos's Breedmate bitch were thick as thieves, so I'd really hoped Sorcha might be able to tell me the secret Dragos took to his grave and what Kassia sought to cheat me out of when she took her own life before I could wrench the truth out of her. But Sorcha didn't know anything. Well, not quite. She knew about a son Kassia had delivered in secret and sent away-- an heir that Dragos himself had known nothing about.

Ah, Christ. Tegan closed his eyes, understanding only just now what Sorcha must have endured--and at Marek's hand.

She broke easily, but then I knew she would. She was never strong. Just a sweet girl who trusted you to keep her safe. Marek paused, as though reflecting. It almost seemed a waste to turn her Minion since she'd given up all her secrets at the first bit of pain.

You son of a bitch, Tegan snarled. You sick, goddamn son of a bitch! Why, then? Why did you do it to her?

Because I could, Marek replied.

Tegan's roar echoed up into the rafters of the place, rattling the black-washed windows that were set high into the roof. He fought his bonds but the momentary burst of spent adrenaline only left him coughing and exhausted. The shackles cut into his wrists as his weight sagged once more, his thighs too weak to hold him.

And because I can, Tegan, Marek added, I'm going to kill you and everyone you care about if you don't tell me what that goddamn riddle means. Tell me where to find the Ancient! Tegan panted, suspended helplessly from his chains. The sedatives were pulling him under again, making his head spin. Marek watched with detached calm, yet standing well out of reach. Very casually, he walked to the door and motioned two of his Minion guards inside. He pointed to Kuhn's desecrated body.

Take that rotting corpse out of here and let it burn.

With his servants rushing to carry out his orders, Marek turned his attention back to Tegan. You look like you need some time to think about what I've asked you. So, you think, Tegan. You think hard. And we'll chat some more when I get back.

Elise took one look at Gideon's face when he came to find her in Tegan's quarters, and she knew something was terribly wrong.

It's Lucan, he said. He needs to talk to you.

She took the cell phone and swallowed hard before answering. What's happened to him? she said into the receiver, not bothering with a greeting when every cell in her body went suddenly still. Lucan, tell me he's okay.

I'm, ah...not sure about that, Elise. Something's gone down over here.

She listened woodenly as Lucan explained Tegan's disappearance. They hadn't seen him, hadn't heard from him, for several hours. Lucan was going to send the rest of the Order out to Prague with Reichen at dusk, but he was staying behind to begin searching for Tegan. He wasn't sure where to begin, or even how long it might take to scour the city for any sign of where he might be. Suspecting that she and Tegan shared a blood bond, their best means of tracking him would be Elise. We can't be certain, Lucan said, but it's a fair guess that Marek might have him. If that's the case, there won't be a lot of time before--

I'm on the way. She glanced at Gideon, who was waiting just outside. Can you get me a flight out right away?

The Order's jet is still in Berlin, but I can see about chartering another one.

There's no time, she said. What about commercial air?

He frowned, concerned. You really want to sit on a plane for half a day with a couple hundred humans? You think you're up for that?

She wasn't sure, actually, but she damn well wasn't going to let that stop her. If she had to hitch a ride with a plane full of convicted killers, she'd do it, if that's what it would take to make sure Tegan was all right.

Just do it, Gideon. Please. The first flight you can get me on.

He nodded and took off

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