Midlife Magic - Victoria Danann Page 0,84

time you come to lunch next week, it’ll be an actual building. At least that’s what I’m told. Look for me across the way from Lochlan and Ivy.”

“Alright. Show me the ‘thing’.”

He followed me into the workroom, walked up to the hobknobbit, ran his hand over it, and said. “Yes. I’ll take care of it. I can’t carry it on horseback. But I’ll send a man back to pick it up.”

“Today?” I asked hopefully. I glanced at Dolan and noted that he looked just as eager to have it gone.

“If it’s urgent.”

“It is.”

His responding smile made me think the vampire had unthawed in record time. The more he relaxed, the more I saw what a charmer he must’ve been in his heyday. With a little encouragement from the magistrate, and a little help with scary hobknobbits, he was going to be okay.

“I’ll ride home and send him back to get the thing and buy the market out of salt.”

“Can’t you call?”


“You don’t have a phone?”

“I do have a phone.” Pause. “At home.”

I shook my head. “No. I don’t mean a landline. I mean a mobile phone.”

“No. I don’t have one.” I stared until he added, “I can get one.”

“Good.” I smiled.

He smiled in return, looking more confident and at ease in his skin.

It was a moment.

At five forty-five I rushed out my front door, breathless as a schoolgirl planning to surprise Keir Culain by being there first. For weeks he’d been waiting at the corner, rain or shine. The certainty that he’d be there gave me frequent little moments of pleasure. Knowing he’d want to hear all about my day, the house, the puppies… It was a gift that couldn’t be measured.

It was a foundation.

If I wanted it to be.

Mentally I pulled up short having just realized that I liked that relationship. A lot. As expected, I turned the corner, but I wasn’t greeted by that smile. The one that made me ask myself every day what I was waiting for.

Keir wasn’t waiting for me on the corner. He was having a conversation with Aoumeil, two doors down. Even though his body was angled away, the body language had the look of a talk that was both intense and intimate. When Aoumiel glanced my direction and saw me, a smile spread across her face that sent the nastiness meter off the charts. No doubt that smile was the result of recognizing my dismay at seeing the two of them practically in clutches.

I ducked into the store, not wanting Keir to know I’d witnessed that. I supposed I’d bring it up when the time was right. That would be when I wasn’t on the verge of a jealous meltdown.

Maggie came out from back carrying a feather duster and chattering about something to do with Braden and his bride-to-be. She stopped when she saw me.

“Rita, are ye ill?” I shook my head. “Then why the fussy face?”

I debated whether or not to tell the truth, but it was impossible to hide anything from Maggie.

“I just saw Keir with Aoumiel.” Her response was a blank look. I pointed toward the sidewalk behind me. “Out there. In front of her shop.” Maggie blinked, but clearly didn’t see a problem. To my dismay, I was going to have to spell it out. “They looked like they were…” I almost said 'having a moment’, then I remembered that was exactly what I’d thought about John David Weir and me. Quickly editing my description, I said, “It looked like they know each other very, very well.”

When my meaning dawned on Maggie, she practically guffawed. “Saints and sinners, Magistrate. The witch does no’ hold a candle to ye. Aoumiel.” Maggie practically spit. “’Tis no’ even her real name. Fancies herself a temptress, she does. Why,” Maggie laughed again, “she thinks her love potions actually work! You’ve nothin’ to fret about. Keir’s been ‘round enough to be too smart for shenanigans from the likes of her.”

Her eyes flicked to something behind me and I turned to see that the subject of discussion had arrived on my corner.

Taking a deep breath, I said, “Thanks, Maggie.” I meant to give her sincere thanks for her reassurance but didn’t believe for a second that there was nothing between Aoumiel, or whatever her name was, and Keir Culain.

He wasn’t expecting me to come from the shop and looked surprised. “Well, there you are.”

“Here I am.” I managed a smile, though undoubtedly tight.

All the way to the pub he tried to make conversation while

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