Midlife Magic - Victoria Danann Page 0,64

opened the door. “Where would you like to sit?”

“You’re sitting with me?”

“Unless you insist not.”

I smiled. It was beyond flattering to have a movie-star beautiful, younger man give me that sort of attention. Since all notion that I might be attractive had been systematically driven out of me by my soon-to-be ex, I wasn’t ready to accept that he might be interested because I was a catch. So, I assumed it had something to do with my station.

“Are you trying to curry favor with the magistrate?” I asked straight up. No games.

I was pleased that his initial reaction was surprise. Keir and I shared at least one thing; the curse of a supremely readable face.

“To what end might I try to curry favor with the magistrate?”

“Well, at some point in the future there might be a dispute that arises between you and another, um… someone else subject to the court.”

“No. I can’t come before the court as a party to a suit.”

“You can’t?”


“Why not?”

“Because I work for the court.”

I was not expecting that. “As?”

His gaze drifted over the room. “How about over there?”

I agreed, but my short attention span wasn’t short enough to forget the question left hanging.

He guided me to a snug on the opposite side from where we’d sat the night before. It was cozy, made even more so by the fact that the fire had been lit. Again, he allowed me to choose which side. I decided to see and be seen instead of turning my back to the other locals who frequented the pub.

Geoffrey was beside us before I’d finished pulling my shawl away.

“Jeff!” I said. “How are you?”

His face glowed with pleasure at being called Jeff. “Well, Magistrate. You?”

“Likewise.” I smiled. “How about a ginger ale?”

He looked at Keir. “Your usual?” Keir nodded.

“Is that new?” Keir had been examining the wolf medallion during my brief dialogue with Jeff.

“Yes. I bought it today.”

I knew that he knew I’d gone to see Brad because of my experience with the banshee’s wail.

“From Brad?”

“Yes.” After a brief pause, I said, “If you must know, I took him flowers, too.”

“That was kind of you, Rita.”

“It was kind of you to take my call last night and keep me sorted.”

“It was an honor. Did you sleep well after?”

“I did.” I smiled. “So?”

“So?” Keir repeated.

“What do you do for the court?”

He took in a deep breath, looking disappointed that I hadn’t forgotten. “I’m the enforcer.”

My mind raced, exploring all the possibilities of what that might mean. “You couldn’t possibly think you can skate by with that answer. Give me more.”

His eyes came to mine and briefly locked with an intensity I hadn’t seen before. Then just as quickly, his face softened into a beguiling smile. “A bargain. Come to my house tomorrow for tea. I’ll show you around. It’s where Court Meet is held.”

“Really? It’s not here in Hallow Hill?”


“Well, naturally I’m curious. Your house must be big.”

He grinned. “Yes and no. The castle is thirteenth century. Most of it is a ruin. I live in what you’d probably call a gatehouse. I have electricity, running water, a roof that doesn’t leak.”

“So, you’re like a caretaker?”

He nodded. “You could say that. Sure.”

Molly showed up at the table. “Look here, Magistrate,” she said. “Are you making a play for my business?”

“What? No!” I saw the corners of her mouth twitch. “Oh. You mean my lunch guests.”

“Yes. That’s what I mean.”

“I didn’t mean to step on toes.”

“I’m just playing. I think it’s cute that you’re having people in to share Olivia’s cooking. I’d love to be able to poach her for the pub kitchen.”

“Nothin’ doin’. She’s mine,” I said.

“No negotiating then?” I shook my head. “Can’t say I blame you.” She looked Keir’s way, then said, “Enjoy your supper,” and left without waiting for a response.

“What’s that about?” he asked.

“Olivia is a great cook as it turns out. So today and tomorrow I put together small lunch parties and gave her cooking challenges. Today was Cajun. Tomorrow is tapas.”

“Rita, you may be the best thing that’s ever happened to Hallow Hill.”

“Thank you, Keir. So then. Tell me this. Who do you work for? And what does it mean to be Enforcer?”

“I work for you. As to what Enforcer means, I promise that, if you come to tea, I’ll tell you everything and, if you want, I’ll show you what the other side of my nature looks like.”

“Is it more or less scary than, um, what I saw last night?”

He appeared to be thinking about

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