Midlife Magic - Victoria Danann Page 0,110

think I’d better not eat before we, um…”


“Yes. I have a bad history with amusement park rides.”

“You’re afraid you’re goin’ to chunder,” said Killian.

I looked his way. “No. I’m afraid I’m going to yak all over my boyfriend’s beautiful wings and never be able to look him in the face again.”

Killian laughed as he looked at Keir. “I get it. She’s priceless.”

Keir gave me the full monty smile before pulling his apron over his head and turning the gas off under the fish stew. “Then let’s go!”

The moment at hand came sooner than expected and my courage was heading for the exit.



“Maybe this is…”

Keir interrupted. “The best idea you’ve ever had.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me out. “It’s about to get dark.”

“You’re sure we won’t be seen?”

Keir put one arm around me as he guided me up the hill. “The cloak that keeps us from being seen by Mundies will keep you out of sight.” He leaned in and whispered, “Stop looking for an escape route. We’re doing this.”

We walked through the Tregeagle gardens, which I could now see without the red shoes, and stopped in the clearing near the entrance.

Keir gave me a brief kiss, a big smile, and changed into his sephalian form. Killian and Kagan strapped the harness over his shoulders, between his front legs and attached it to a smallish version of a saddle complete with stirrups. It had two substantial grips on the pommel for me to hold onto.

“Because of his wings, you’re going to need to ride with your knees bent all the way forward. Like a jockey,” Killian said. He helped me into the saddle and put my feet securely in the stirrups. It was surprisingly comfortable. “Hold on here.” He pointed to the leather-covered handles shaped like giant staples.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” I said as each hand took a death grip.

“Good,” Killian said. “Lean forward until you feel more confident.”

I did.

He nodded. “Off we go then.”

Knowing Keir, I shouldn’t have been expecting a warmup. I should’ve known we’d lurch forward in one giant leap and be aloft before I had a chance to either shriek or scream that I’d changed my mind and wanted to stay permanently grounded with two feet on terra firma.

The breath had frozen in my lungs. I couldn’t say definitively if that was from fear or the cold temperature. Keir’s body was warm between my legs, but he hadn’t been kidding about the chill of wind rushing past.

By the time my brain had begun to function I realized I was flying a few hundred feet above the countryside on a bright, moonlit night, flanked by two of the most magnificent magical creatures in mythos. For reasons I may never explain, I wasn’t afraid. I wasn’t nauseous. I wasn’t cursing myself for being stupid.

When we dipped low and flew over Hallow Hill, I felt inexplicably sentimental.


I wasn’t sure Keir could hear me in the wind, but my face was close to his ear when I said, “Has there ever been a woman so lucky?”

Let the trials begin!

Now that you know Rita Hayworth and the strange, but fantastic world in which she finds herself, I hope you’ll continue with the series because there’s sooooooo much more to come.

Book Two begins with John David’s murder mystery dinner and ends with Rita’s ruling on the case of the kelpie captive. In order to fully understand all aspects of the case and arrive at a decision, she insists on personally traveling to the Northern Ireland faerie mound. The fae clain in question is grudgingly forced to admit her so that she can view the facility where one of the overprivileged fae princes has been holding the kelpie.

I know you get hounded for reviews for everything from sunscreen to refrigerators. I feel your pain. But reviews are enormously helpful to me personally. Please take a second and rate this book.

Victoria Danann TM


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PARANORMAL WOMEN’S FICTION (for no-mercy heroines over forty)

Not Too Late 1. Midlife Magic

Not Too Late 2. Midlife Mayhem

Not Too Late 3. Midlife Mojo


Knights of Black Swan 1. My Familiar Stranger

Knights of Black Swan 2. The Witch’s Dream

Knights of Black Swan 3. A Summoner’s Tale

Knights of Black Swan 4. Moonlight

Knights of Black Swan 5. Gathering Storm

Knights of Black Swan 6. A Tale of Two Kingdoms

Knights of Black Swan 7. Solomon’s Sieve

Knights of Black Swan 8. Vampire Hunter

Knights of Black Swan 9. Journey Man

Knights of Black Swan 10. Falcon

Knights of Black Swan 11. Jax

Knights of Black Swan 12. Trespass

Knights of Black Swan 13. Irish War Cry

Knights of Black Swan 14. Deliverance

Knights of Black Swan 15. Black Dog

Knights of Black Swan 16. The Music Demon

*Order of the Black Swan Novels

Black Swan Novel, Prince of Demons


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Exiled 2. CRAVE

Exiled 3. CHARMING


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New Scotia Pack 2. Wolf Lover:

New Scotia Pack 3. Fire Wolf:


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Witches of Wimberley 2. Witch Wants Forever

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SSMC Austin, TX, Book 3. Nomad

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 4. Devil’s Marker

SSMC Austin, TX, Book 5. Roadhouse

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