Midlife Blues - Victoria Danann Page 0,53

the Jersey Devil in front of a campfire. They thought it was funny. I was glad I didn’t live where they lived.

“Jersey Devil?”

“Yeah. I brought a gift.”

“You brought a gift?”

“You harda hearin’?”

“Um. No.” He set a large pink crystal on the island and waited for my reaction. “It’s, um, pretty?”

The thing looked at the translucent pink rock and said, “I guess, but that’s not the point. The point is that it tells the future of virgins.”

I was wondering what use I might have for such a thing, having left virginity behind many moons ago, but I said, “Thank you,” and tried to appear genuinely appreciative.

“Yeah. Well. Don’t get carried away. It fell off a truck.” I looked away quickly when his gaze met mine. “It’s okay if you stare. I know my appearance takes some geddon used to, but you don’t look so good to me either.”

“Fair enough. That means you and my ex have something in common.”

“Hmmm. So, nice niceties, maybe we should talk a little business.”

“Business,” I repeated like I was trying on the word for size. I couldn’t imagine what business I might have with the thing sitting in my kitchen, but nonetheless, I wanted to hear him out. “By all means.”

“S’about the kelpie. I work for the big man at the bureau.”

“The big man,” I repeated stupidly.

“That’s what I said already. The kelpie… she’s wacko now and it ain’t fixable. That kind of nuts… Rare with magic kind, but what’re ya gonna do? It happens.” He jerked his neck to the side like he was popping a vertebra. “Thing is. It can be kind of dicey.”


“Belligerence.” His face spread into an expression that might have been a grin and his chuckle sounded like a concrete mixer. “Fuckin’ sweet. I like that. Maybe you’re not a pussy after all, Your Honor. ‘Bout time we had an American in the job.

“This thing with the kelpie. It’s developed into a situation that needs special handling. Leavin’ her at the farm ain’t gonna cut it this time. If ya know what I mean.”

I took in a deep breath and steadied my voice. “You mean murder.”

The thing shrugged, which looks exaggerated on a winged creature. “I mean justifiable euthanasia.”

I began shaking my head. “Why are you here? Do I have a say in this?”

“They said I needed to keep you in the loop. I coulda said forget about it and gone about my business. I’m thinkin’ maybe you don’t have the balls for this gig.”

“Smart money says you’re right.”

My eyes flew open to the sound of thunder. Had that been a dream?


Yuletide at Hallow Hill

Rita’s fully human, fully clueless daughter is coming to visit during the Yuletide Court Meet.

The whole village has to get involved to keep Evie busy while Rita dons the Magistrate robes.

Rita plots how to get back at John David for his murder mystery dinner.

And a psycho kelpie is on the loose and out to get the judge.

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Not Too Late 2. Midlife Mayhem

Not Too Late 3. Midlife Mojo


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