Method - Kate Stewart Page 0,45

slowly as he sucks in his full lower lip.

“Hands off, Lucas,” I order. He groans and releases himself.

Fully naked, I straddle his thighs and take him in my hand between us, resuming my tease. Teeth gnashing, he closes his eyes, and when he opens them, I see an evergreen forest full of fire. Sliding my thumb over his thick tip, I play with the growing wetness covering the head of him, loving the feel of the silky skin. I hold his gaze and soak it in. In my fantasies I’d never staked my claim on him, it was just the opposite. My appreciation for the unpredictable grows in abundance because I love this story already no matter the length of it, and it had only just begun. He moves to touch me, and I shake my head. “I was helpless watching you touch her, now it’s your turn.”

“Mila,” he grits out in warning while balling his hands into fists at his sides. “I need to touch you.”

“No.” I lift myself to hover above him and then slowly sink onto his stone cock, taking him in greedily, inch by inch while watching his lids lower further as lust-filled eyes penetrate mine. I’ve never been so in control, and at the same time, I feel like I’m on the verge of losing it any second, my body buzzing at his intrusion as I attempt to take him into me. There is no sound other than the humming motor of the fridge and our mingled, fast breaths. I’m too small for his size. Lucas grunts at the stretch, gently thrusting his hips and bites his lip so hard, it leaves a mark when he lets it go. Chest heaving, his eyes stay fixed on my sex as chorded muscles flex in his neck. When I’m unable to sink further, he goes to speak, and I silence him by sliding my tongue across his bottom lip. Lifting from him, I soak my palm with my tongue and wrap it around him, and he jerks his hips.

“Jesus Christ.”

Back on his thighs, I spread myself out resting my feet on the cushions next to him, and he watches as I ready myself, gathering my wetness and sliding it around my opening. Every part of this is filthy, and I revel in it.

“Mila,” he protests, his body taut and on the verge and I shake my head. Again, coating my palm with saliva I pump him vigorously before I lift to sink onto him. We both moan when I’m finally able to take him to the root.

“Fuck,” he grinds out hoarsely as he jerks inside of me and I begin to move. “I’m not going to last,” he threatens, his heart thundering against my palm. I tug off his shirt, and he helps me, tossing it aside like the nuisance it is. He’s my new playground, solid muscle covered in sculpted beauty and I let my fingers roam the defined contours of his chest while his hands remain idle. I ride him agonizingly slow, and it’s exquisite. The connection surpasses my daydreams. The air in the trailer is heavy with the weight of us. He takes it all in, his cock stretching me, my arousal seeping between. Control wavering, I swivel my hips, and his eyes flare, the intensity pushing us both to the edge of sanity.

He sinks into my rhythm, his hands lingering at my sides, waiting for permission, nostrils flaring.

“Fuck, Mila, please let me touch you!” He’s practically shouting, and I again shake my head, as I keep a steady pace before I reach between us massaging my clit. I’m flying and crashing all at once. Sweat beads above his top lip and I lean in, so our heavy breaths mingle.

“Fuck this,” he shakes his head as he begins to pump from below me and we both call out to the other as he thrusts up getting impossibly deep. Resolve breaks on both sides as he grips the back of my neck, hot mouth claiming mine before he fucks me with his tongue. After a thorough kiss, we separate and he leans back, watching me avidly as we work together, our movements and needs the same. Open-mouthed, we stare at each other, jaws slack in awe while we explode in movement. Leaning forward, he stills, reaching behind me and clearing the table of everything on it. I hear the loud crash of the script, his laptop, and the bottle of wine as I’m spread out Copyright 2016 - 2024