Method - Kate Stewart Page 0,107

and completely unsure what I’m up against anymore.

Taking my seat, I buckle my belt and stare out the window cursing Blake. If he were here, he would know just how to deal with Lucas. At this point, I can’t decipher if this is Lucas acting or if he’s using it as an excuse to act bad.

“Mila,” Nova calls out to me from the car she’s standing next to at the terminal. She looks nervous, and I can see the fatigue in her as I approach with my carry-on.

“I’m so glad you came,” she says, hugging me briefly before popping the trunk on the rental car.

“Thanks for picking me up,” I say, tossing my bag in and opening the passenger door. She stands at the driver’s side, and I can hear the guilt in her words while the heat-infused wind whips the hair around her face.

“I should have called you sooner. I’m sorry. Something isn’t right.”

“I know.”

Tears imminent on both our parts, we collectively get in the car and sigh. She’s the first to speak. “He’s nailing it. Really, I’ve never seen him do better. It’s unreal. But instead of being proud of him, I’m almost embarrassed at this point.”

Though Nova and I are friends, I’ve rarely ever abused that friendship to get information…until he took this role.

She looks me over. “How are you?”

“Not good,” I confess honestly.

“Can I be honest with you?”

I frown. “You know you can.”

“He’s on time to set every day, there’s no issue there but…”

“But what?”

“Okay, like normally he stays in character, and I get that, it’s his way, but he’s so, I don’t know. He’s on a rampage. I mean this guy is Nikki fucking Rayo.”

“What is he doing?”

She bites her lip. “He’s not talking to me. He’s not even using me. When I talk to him, it’s like he stares straight through me. He’s drinking, a lot. Partying with the crew at all hours but not saying much. And when he does, he’s constantly pissed off, destructive, and just outright fucking rude to me and to everyone who shows concern.”

“Is he paying you?”

“Yeah, I pay all the bills, so we’re safe there. But honestly, right now, I’m unsure if I even have a job.”

She pulls out of the terminal and sighs. “If he won’t even work with me, what am I here for, you know? Leann is constantly calling because the fucking crew won’t keep their mouth shut about what’s going on. I think it’s purposeful to help promote the movie. He won’t even address the PR shitstorm he’s causing.”

“Take the night off.”

“No, he’ll be furious,” Nova says, navigating us out of the airport.

“Or he won’t notice,” I say pointedly. “Nova, I’m so sorry. It’s been no better at home.”

“You think this is about Blake?”

“I know it is.”

“I’m worried about him,” she says, her eyes filling. “I think he’s gone off the grid.”

“Or it’s just good acting,” I try to remind her, more furious than I’ve ever been. Nova is Lucas’s most valuable asset.

“What should we do?”

I shrug and let out a heavy breath. “I guess we’ll know in a few weeks when filming wraps.”

“It’s never been this bad,” she says, shuddering.

“I’m so sorry, I don’t know what else to say.”

“It’s my job, I’m just at my wits’ end with him.” She glances over at me.

“Do you want to drop your stuff at the hotel? I got you a key card to his room.”

“No, let’s get to the set.”

“Okay,” she says, taking a few turns that lead us to a long stretch of road.

“I’ll be honest. I don’t know if I can keep working with him if this is going to be the new norm.” She sniffs, wiping a tear from her face. “He’s scaring the shit out of me.” I take in the fading El Paso skyline and turn to face her from my seat.

“Nova, you have to trust him. He would never hurt you.”

“I’m trying. I just don’t know if I can at this point,” she says, leaning up on her seat, searching the road to look for the turnoff. “I’m really creeped out.”

“If you want to look for something else, I’ll understand.”

“I’m under contract with him. I’ll finish it out. You said things are bad at home?”

“I don’t even know how to explain it.”

“Well, if it’s anything like it is here, I wouldn’t blame you if you kicked rocks for a while.”

“What does Wes say?”

“He’s being tolerant because he’s too happy with the results.”

“It’s that good?”

“So good, incredible,” she says honestly. “And, Copyright 2016 - 2024