Mess Us Up – Jaxson Kidman Page 0,38

head but leave the hoodie on.

“Are you going to steal that hoodie, sweetie?” Mac asks.


“Just be careful with it. It could be needed as evidence in some crimes.”

I look at Mac and swallow hard. “Seriously?”

Mac smiles. He doesn’t answer me. But he winks.

I don’t know how to take that.

Mac changes the subject to something else.

“You remember what I told you… what you need to do?”

“The bag of money?” I ask.

“That’s it.”

“I remember,” I say.

“It’s the only way to do this, Jolie.”

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it,” I say.

“I know,” Mac says. “The time is coming though. He’s going to realize he’s been fucked over again. Things are going to get crazy.”

“And this isn’t crazy?” I ask as I hold my arms up, letting the long sleeves of the hoodie droop down.

“There’s different kinds of crazy in my life, sweetie.”

“No shit,” I say.

Mac laughs. “I love seeing you get all worked up.”

Mac turns down the quiet, side road that leads to the warehouse.

I’m not sure I like the idea of just hiding out in a warehouse while he’s out there doing… whatever it is he has to do…

Is it better than Mama Dae’s house?

I guess I’m going to find out.

Mac parks next to one of the giant garage doors.

I get out of the car and follow him to the door.

Inside, I’m overwhelmed once again by the sight of all his vehicles.

“Come here, sweetie,” he says.

He takes my hand and walks me to another door.

He opens it and there’s a table in the middle of the floor.

“You can hang out here if you want,” he says. “The most important thing is you have to keep the main doors shut, okay? But the rest of the place is yours.”

“To do what?” I ask.

“Whatever you want,” Mac says. “Write a story. Or a book. Draw something. Take a nap. Climb into the backseat of one of the cars and enjoy your own company.”

I slap his arm. “That’s something Taz would say.”

He hugs me. “I just need you here right now. It won’t be long. I just have-”

“Some business,” I say. “I know the drill.”

Mac steps back and touches my face. “If you really want to do something, think about what we have to do. What you have to do. We’re going to get the truth about everything together, sweetie.”

I nod.

Mac kisses me. “I’ll be right back.”

He slips out of the room.

I slowly turn and look around.

The floor is perfectly smooth concrete.

The walls are made of stone.

There’s no windows.

There’s nothing on the walls either.

It’s like some secret room.

The fluorescent light above me has the faintest buzz and when my ears pick it up it becomes the most annoying sound in the world to me.

The table is solid.

I assume this is where Mac and his crew sit and make decisions.

It’s almost too much to believe.

But I have to believe it.

It’s Mac.

And I’m literally seeing it.

I step back from the table, shaking my head.

I bump into something and let out a scream.

That something… is a someone…

Hands touch my arms as I turn.

“What the hell are you doing in here?”

I want to scream but when I realize it’s just Taz, I catch myself.

He jumps back, laughing at me.

Les walks into the room next.

“What the fuck, Taz?” he asks.

“I’m just messing around,” Taz says.

“I don’t think it’s funny at all,” I say.

“You’re not supposed to be in here, darling,” Taz says.

“Mac let me in,” I say.

“Oh… well… then that makes it okay…”

“How are you doing, Jolie?” Les asks.

“I’m wonderful, Les,” I say. “I have no idea who tried to attack me in my apartment. I almost got caught by the cops. And apparently my father has been fucking someone on the side and is planning on running away with that person. Oh, and I’m still kind of pretending to be kidnapped…”

“Sounds like an adventure to me,” Taz says.

“Want to trade spots?” I ask.

“Yes,” Taz says. “Because if I become you then I’m best friends with Violet. And I can just cuddle up to her and pretend to be sad. Looking for a little kiss. Just one kiss on the cheek. Then another. Then another. Then one to her lips. Then I can-”

“I’m sorry I said anything,” I say.

Mac walks back into the room and looks around. “What’s going on?”

“Taz scared the hell out of Jolie,” Les says.

“Way to throw me under the bus,” Taz says.

Les shrugs his shoulders.

“We have to go,” Mac says. “We’re taking the truck.”

“You got it,” Taz says. He looks at me and smiles. “Good Copyright 2016 - 2024