A Merry Vested Wedding - Melanie Moreland Page 0,31

made more sense,” I replied, my answer sounding more like a question.

“You knew she was in here,” he repeated slowly. “You’ve done this before, I take it.”

Shit. I shouldn’t have said that.

Emmy appeared. “What is going on?”

“Young Brayden here decided to pay our daughter a little Christmas morning visit.”

“How sweet.” She smiled at me.

“It’s not sweet,” he snarled. “It’s practically the middle of the night.”

“You’re overreacting, Rigid.”

“Overreacting? He came over the balcony, Emmy. He’s done it before.”

“Oh.” She looked at me with a slight frown, although her eyes were dancing. “Maybe you should use the front door next time.”

Bentley dug his phone from his robe pocket, hitting a button. He waited a moment, then spoke.

“Mad Dog? Your son is in my house, having a little morning visit with my daughter. He came in via the balcony. I just thought you should know he’s going out the same way. And he’s heading home fast because I’m not giving him his shoes. Maybe he’ll remember that next time.”

He hung up, heading my direction. I had no choice. I grabbed Addi, kissing her. “Merry Christmas, little elf!”

I took off running, not bothering to try for my coat or shoes. I headed toward the steps, swinging myself over the railing when I got close enough to the bottom. I gasped at the cold of the icy ground, but I didn’t stop. Behind me, Addi was yelling at her dad, and Emmy was giving him shit. I sprinted over the beach and used the shortcut to head to my parents’ place. My nipples felt like shards of glass, and my dick was so cold, I swore it was trying to crawl up inside my body. My feet were numb, but I kept going. My dad was waiting for me, shaking his head as he opened the door.


I held up my hand. “I know. I’ll apologize.”

“You’ll have to.”

“We weren’t doing anything—just exchanging gifts,” I defended myself.

He chuckled. “He’s gonna be hell on wheels for the next while, you know that.”

“The way Addi and Emmy were yelling at him, he might not be as bad as you think.” I shivered.

He pushed me toward the fire. “Warm yourself, and I’ll make coffee. I don’t think I’ll be going back to sleep now.”

I headed to the fire, the heat feeling good on my feet. The rest of my anatomy began to warm up as well. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and a message from Addi appeared.

Addi: I’m sorry.

I replied.

Brayden: So worth it. I love you.

Her response warmed my heart.

Addi: I love you too. Heather is going to cover this afternoon. I’ll thank you properly in the library at two. Be there.

I grinned as I felt the feeling come back to my feet.

Brayden: Wouldn’t miss it for the world.

I chuckled remembering that day and Bentley’s cool attitude that lasted about three hours. I apologized and promised only to use the front door and not show up before dawn. He brought my coat back but informed me since he couldn’t toss me in the lake, he’d sacrificed my shoes instead.

“Consider yourself lucky,” he informed me.

I took him at his word.

But it reminded me of needing to find my wife.

I sat up, and a Santa hat fell from my chest to my lap, the bright red and white vivid on the dark comforter. Laughing, I pulled it on my head and went to find my wife.

She was by the tree as I expected, the fireplace going, the lights bright in the early morning dimness. I slid behind her, pulling her back to my chest and wrapping my arms around her.

“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Riley.”

She tilted up her head. “Merry Christmas, Mr. Riley.”

Our lips met, moving gently. I pulled back, and she leaned into me. “I love this time of the day.”

“I know.”

“Our tree is so cute.”

I chuckled. The little pine tree I had bought was only about two feet tall. We were barely able to get one small strand of lights and about half a dozen little ornaments on it before it looked as if it would collapse.

“We’ll have a bigger one next year,” I promised. “I thought we’d plant this one by the deck.”

“I love that idea.”

“Did you want to open your gifts?” I asked. We’d agreed to keep things simple this year, but we had each bought the other a few gifts, and they looked pretty with the bright wrapping under the tree. Addi’s looked far nicer with her neat corners and perfectly centered bows, but I thought my slightly

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