A Merry Vested Wedding - Melanie Moreland Page 0,3

said I was too much work.”

I snorted. “What a dick.”

“Derek said the same thing—a couple weeks of dating me, and they were done.” She looked at me, her wide blue eyes confused and upset. “What’s wrong with me, Bray?”

I forgot everything in a second. My erection was gone, my confusion dissipated, and all that mattered was she was hurting and I had to help her. I scooted closer and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

“Nothing is wrong with you, Addi. The problem is them. All they see is the outer package—how pretty you are. They aren’t prepared for how incredibly clever your mind is. How you can talk circles around them. They have no idea how advanced you are.” I snorted. “The reason they say you’re too much work is they think with their dicks, not their minds.” I shrugged when she gaped at me. “They aren’t looking for a relationship, just to get laid.” I held up my hands. “Only telling you the truth.”

She gazed at me, and for a second, I saw Uncle Bent. Serious, determined, and older than her years. Then she began to giggle.

“You’re awful.”

“It’s true, though.”

She sighed and leaned into me. “I guess I’m just going to die alone, then.”

It was my turn to laugh. “You’re a little young for that, Addi. Give it some time. You need to find the right guy.” I turned my head and kissed the top of her head. “You’re too amazing to be alone forever.”

A week later, I was in turmoil. Addi was suddenly everywhere. Everything about her was different. She was prettier, smarter, sexier. Her smiles taunted me. Her body tempted me. Her laughter was low and sultry.

I spent so much time in the cold water of the lake, even my father was beginning to notice. Every time I would see Addi, my dick would spring up, and I had no choice but to escape to the water to settle him down. I started avoiding her, unsure what to do about my feelings and how they had changed toward her.

Unable to sleep one night, I padded down to the beach, listening to the sound of the water. The breeze was light and felt good on my bare chest, the sand cool under my toes as I walked. I leaned against a pile of rocks, admiring the moon hanging high in the sky. I startled when a soft voice broke through my thoughts.

“Couldn’t sleep either?”

I turned and met Addi’s eyes. She was sitting five feet from me, cross-legged on a large, flat rock. I had been so deep in thought, I hadn’t even noticed her.

I noticed her now. Her hair was up, loose curls hanging around her face and shoulders. Her skin gleamed in the moonlight. She was wearing a baggy shirt and leggings, one shoulder bare. She was sexy and beautiful, and in that single moment, everything became clear. I was totally in love with her. I always had been. It was all I could do not to groan out loud.

“Uncle Bent know you’re out here? Alone?” I asked, my voice low and gravelly, even to my own ears.

She shook her head. “He had to go back to the city. Mom is asleep. Everyone is. But I was restless.” She shrugged. “I’m perfectly safe here, Brayden. Even Uncle Aiden admits that.”

The grounds were protected with a private fence and gate. There was a security system in place. I knew all that, and still, I didn’t like it.

“No swimming alone,” I snapped.

She huffed and scampered off the rocks, crossing her arms. “I’m not stupid, Bray. I know that.” She shook her head. “I don’t know what your problem is or why you’re mad at me, but when you stop being a jerk, let me know.”

She turned to leave, and I grabbed her arm, spinning her back to face me. I was shocked to see the tears in her eyes. “What? Why are you crying?”

“Why do you suddenly dislike me too? You’ve been avoiding me all week!”

“I don’t dislike you,” I replied. “That’s the problem!”


I didn’t think; I only reacted. I yanked her into my arms and covered her mouth with mine and kissed her. She flung her arms around my neck and kissed me back. I slid my hands to cradle the back of her head, and deepened the kiss, groaning when her tongue touched mine. I lifted her to the rock, stepping between her legs, and for endless minutes, we explored each other. Learning and tasting. Our tongues

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