Mercenary - By Duncan Falconer Page 0,98

silverware, pots of coffee, overflowing bread baskets, bowls of fruit and platters of cheeses. Wine was served in silver goblets and a humidor offered a selection of fine cigars. Waiters fanned away the flies and provided service at the snap of a finger.

‘Where’s the band?’ Steel quipped as he accepted a cup of coffee and a selection of canapés.

‘There’s your music,’ Ventura replied, waving a hand as the artillery salvos maintained a continuous staccato of booms and crunches.

‘I gotta hand it to you guys,’ Steel said. ‘You do war in style.’

Laughter and conversation continued as men stuffed food into their mouths, washed down with coffee and wine, in between aiming their binoculars at the rebel camp that was now dotted with plumes of smoke.

The roof of Sebastian’s former cabin exploded and a wall collapsed as the inside caught fire. Another shell landed near the stables, frightening the animals. The white stallion reared up as it was led to its stall.

Shells pummelled the main accommodation areas where women and children lay dead and wounded. Some survivors huddled in groups while others sought shelter in the woods.

A direct hit on the ammunition store caused it to blow up, creating a fiery display and prompting a round of applause from the officers at the lookout post.

Explosions peppered the perimeter and men lay in shell holes. A tree exploded, showering those below with deadly shrapnel and splintered branches. It seemed like there was no place to hide.

Rebel commanders moved down the line of men, calling for calm and telling them to prepare for the enemy’s inevitable charge. Stretcher bearers removed the seriously injured while women made their way along the lines looking for the wounded, doing what they could with limited medical supplies. The dead were left where they fell.

Louisa heard crying and looked over her sandbag wall to see a woman and several children running across the courtyard desperately trying to find somewhere to hide. A shell landed nearby. She hurried towards them and grabbed two of the children, yelling for the woman to follow with the others.

Louisa brought them back into the sandbagged position and the whimpering family huddled in a corner behind the machine gun. Louisa held one of the children in her arms in an attempt to console her while covering her ears against the deafening noise of the explosions.

‘How long will this go on for?’ Louisa asked David.

‘Could be hours,’ he replied, as another shell landed close to them, sending earth and shards of metal flying over their heads.

As Stratton walked fast along a goat track near the bottom of a valley he caught sight of movement on the ridge above him and dropped into the long grass.

He crawled carefully away and leaned up enough to take a look. Yoinakuwa was standing on a rock and looking down at him. ‘What is it with that bloke?’ Stratton muttered.

As Stratton got to his feet, Victor and the other Indians came into view. He could only wonder what they were doing.

Victor motioned for him to come up.

Stratton shook his head to himself and jogged up the slope.

‘Yoinakuwa knows a more direct route,’ Victor said as Stratton arrived a little out of breath.

It seemed that Victor had had a change of heart. ‘I’ll be honest with you. I think I’d be better on my own,’ Stratton said.

‘Great. You make me feel guilty so that I feel I have to come to the fight and then when I do you don’t want me. Hell, I don’t care. I’m going anyway.’

‘What are you going to do when you get there?’

‘Well, as my military guru once told me, I’ll plan backwards from my aim.’

‘What’s your aim?’

‘I haven’t worked that out yet.’

The Indians had sensed something.

Stratton heard it too. The faint sound was like distant thunder. ‘Artillery,’ Stratton said and set off at a brisk pace.

Victor did his best to equal Stratton’s speed. Kebowa and Mohesiwa ran ahead, past Stratton, to take the lead.

As they reached the top of the next rise not only had the sound of the shells exploding got louder but they could hear the screaming noise of their flight through the air.

By the time they reached the bottom of the plateau where there was a small brook they were breathing heavily.

‘Please. Let me take a little water,’ Victor begged, dropping to his knees and drinking thirstily.

The Indians did the same.

Stratton decided it was a good idea and took a quick mouthful and wet his hair to help himself cool down. The sun Copyright 2016 - 2024