Mercenary - By Duncan Falconer Page 0,89

sent to monitor the situation and then was given some latitude when it came to offering assistance to the revolutionaries. But this country has a lotta valuable resources. Here, look at this,’ he said, digging something out of a pocket. He held up a dull chunk of ore the size of a golf ball. ‘Platinum,’ he said. ‘I could carry a fancy car’s worth out of here in my pockets. A lot of private companies are interested in investing in this place,’ Steel continued. ‘Hell, some of ’em are downright chomping at the bit to get in here. But you can’t bring in civilian contractors where there’s a war going on. It’s dangerous and expensive. So, yeah, I’m acting as point for a few of those companies, representing their interests.’ Steel grinned. ‘The sooner this place can get itself cleaned up, the sooner the investors’ll start doing what they do best.’

‘When did you switch from Sebastian to Neravista?’

‘You mean did I know I was sending you in to help the losing side? Yeah, I did. But I wasn’t clear how I was going to manage it. Switching sides was never gonna be easy since the Congressional funding was voted in to aid the revolutionaries, not Neravista. The trick was in reducing confidence in Sebastian and making him look more like a terrorist.That’s the magic word these days. Changes everyone’s perspective. We’re just putting the final touches to that right now. Look, Neravista was the tougher guy in the end. The revolutionaries couldn’t go the distance.They started squabbling. I had to take advantage of the situation as it presented itself. As long as Neravista can tone down the human rights abuses we should be fine. He may find that a lot easier now that his brother’s dead,’ Steel laughed. ‘Good job, by the way. Nice hit.’

‘Did you put the grenade in the weapons box?’

‘Neravista’s negotiator got a little pissed when he discovered how much ordnance you’d brought in. Shit, he went a little crazy. So I had to take some back. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.’

Stratton looked at him, doing his best to hide the venomous hatred he felt for the man. ‘Why am I here?’

‘I need you to kill Sebastian.’

Stratton just stared at him.

‘Of course I know you won’t do it. That’ll be our little secret. But it’ll get done and you’ll get the blame. You did it for the money, you greedy little mercenary, you.’

Stratton realised the implications. ‘What about Louisa?’

‘Sweet kid, that one. If she makes it, fine. I hope she does. I like that gal. She’s got oomph, you know? Great ass, too. I’m surprised you weren’t all over that one. A little out of your league, maybe. Then again, I think she’d go for a guy like you.’ Steel studied Stratton’s expression for a moment, looking for any clue that he might have struck a nerve.

He could not find any and gave the ambushers’ leader a nod. The man guarding Stratton came over to grip his arms, unaware of the pressure building in his prisoner. He gave Stratton a shove but the Englishman suddenly braced himself like a rock and would not move. The man was surprised and mustered his strength for greater effort. As he pushed again, Stratton bent away and then swung back, striking him in the face with his forehead with such force that the man’s nose burst and he fell, poleaxed and almost unconscious. The bearded leader lunged forward but Stratton flattened his testicles with a knee to the groin. The strength went out of the man as he grabbed his crotch and dropped to the ground where he began to cry with the pain.

Stratton turned on Steel who whipped his pistol from its holster and levelled it at his face.

‘You don’t need to be alive for this next phase,’ Steel said. ‘It’s just more convenient if you are. Which is it gonna be - dead or alive?’

Stratton did not doubt that Steel would shoot so he stopped in his tracks, glaring at the man. The other ambushers came running over, grabbed Stratton roughly and hauled him away.

‘You keep a good eye on that boy,’ Steel called out as he lowered his pistol. ‘Tie ’im up good.’ He grinned as he put his gun away and looked down at the two men on the ground, one of them sobbing in agony, the other still trying to figure out where he was. ‘I told you,’ Steel said, chuckling as he walked away. ‘You Copyright 2016 - 2024