Mercenary - By Duncan Falconer Page 0,52


‘If the cap fits,’ Steel said, sitting back and looking pleased with himself.

Sebastian, Louisa and Stratton sat silently watching Steel.

‘Look, it’s just a theory,’ Steel said, taking a bite of food. ‘I’m full of ’em.’

‘I take it you have solutions for your theories?’ Louisa asked.

‘Yeah, I got solutions. But usually the more difficult the situation the more difficult the solution.’

A quiet descended on the room.

Steel interpreted it as despondency. ‘Hey, don’t let it get you down, guys. My money’s on you. Has been since day one and I’m not about to change. None of those other commanders can pull this rebellion off. That includes Hector.’

Sebastian’s curiosity was piqued. ‘How would you disrupt this plan to isolate me?’

‘Well, I personally believe the concept of five equal brigades was flawed anyway,’ Steel said, getting into it. ‘I’m a soldier and, as you know, direct. They’re not equal. Honeros has half the men Hector does. I don’t trust Bajero. Sandina, well, he’ll go along with whoever has the loudest voice. My point is that there needs to be a stronger brigade for the others to follow and look up to. Don’t forget, it’s the voices of the men in those other brigades that rule, not the brigade commanders. So if they want to isolate you, let ’em. But take advantage of the moment and let’s go do something big. Shit, you got the weapons. You’re halfway there. Your toys are bigger’n theirs. Use ’em.’

‘You’re talking about an independent attack?’ Victor asked.

‘Course I’m talking about an independent attack. It’s not the first time you’ve carried out your own ops, is it?’

‘No, but we always consult with each other.’

‘Then this time you don’t tell ’em until it’s over. Upset the apple cart. Send a message to Hector. Wreck his little parley with Neravista. Remind them all who you are. The voices in the brigades will speak and their leaders’ll have no choice but to join you.’

No one said anything, until Sebastian asked, ‘You have something in mind?’

‘I sure do.’

‘Something you already had in mind before you came here?’ Sebastian added.

‘Yep. Look, Sebastian. I came here to tell you it’s time to turn up the volume. This rebellion has gone stagnant. It’s dragging its feet. I’ll be blunt. You got to get this horsey moving along or else. My people need to know you’re the one to back. They want to see some returns on their investment.’

‘Or you’ll invest elsewhere.’

‘This is a high-stakes game, Sebastian. Frankly, my administration is losing confidence in you. Our next presidential campaign starts in a few months. We’ve got a lotta open boxes lying around the Oval Office. We need to close some of ’em up and put ’em away. This is one of ’em. And it ain’t just us. Your neighbours are also getting tired of it. They want to see some stability or at least the possibility of it - and soon. If you can’t offer it they’ll look to someone who can. It’s that time.’

‘You mean they’ll look to Hector?’ Victor asked.

‘No way,’ Steel said in a tone that suggested the scientist was completely on the wrong track. ‘Neravista.’

Louisa and Victor looked concerned.

‘What did you think, guys?’ Steel asked as if they were all naive. ‘That this could go on for ever? That’s Neravista’s strategy. He knows all he has to do is drag this out, make you guys look like a bunch of terrorists screwing up the country and your supporters will eventually move on.You won’t last long without them. You’ll never win, that’s for sure. It’s time to make a noise. A big one. Tell everyone you’re here and you intend to win.’

Sebastian looked lost in thought but it was obvious that Steel was getting through to him.Victor and Louisa watched him, also inclining in favour of the American despite their personal doubts about the man. He was making sense.

‘What did you have in mind?’ Sebastian asked eventually.

Like a storyteller, Steel held them in suspense while he gathered his thoughts. ‘How would you like to take out Neravista’s brother, Chemora? He’s head of the special police, right? Chemora has the blood of thousands of your countrymen, including women and children, on his hands. Everyone knows he’s a lowlife. No one will miss him . . . except Neravista, of course. What could be better?’

Victor watched Sebastian, who had not reacted. ‘He never leaves the capital,’ he said. ‘The city falls under Hector’s brigade, anyway. We have logistical difficulties in mounting operations in large urban areas.’

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