Memorizing Mace (Twist Brothers #2) - Bex Dane Page 0,65

Wayne yells, but this isn't his gig. It's mine.

"If you want me to hold off, you need to get here in the next sixty seconds. After that, the volcano explodes, and it's game over."

"Wait for backup, Mace." Cutter's voice. "You helped me. Let me help you."

"I work alone."

"No. Mace. Not today." My dad's voice is the only one with a chance of reaching me when I'm like this. "We're your family. You don't get to make this choice. We're telling you to hold off till we're there. You have to trust Loralei on this."

I growl back at my dad. I can't argue with him. He's right. He's so right, and I hate it.

"Hurry the fuck up." It'll drive me insane, but I'll wait.

"We'll be there in a few minutes," Cutter says.

Okay. Cutter is close. I'll wait for him. He's good with a knife. I check my gun for the four millionth time. I don't need his knife. My gun will work just fine.

A car I haven't seen before pulls into the drive and parks in front of the garage door. My muscles spasm when Diablo of all fucking people gets out of the car. He approaches the front door casually like he's here to pick up a package. No way. He's not getting anywhere near her.

"Diablo's here."

I said I'd wait but that was before. This changes everything.

As he's taking the steps to the front door, I exit my vehicle and barrel toward him like a rabid dog who's been stuck in a cage his entire life and finally set free.

Diablo hears me coming and pulls a gun. He gets a shot off and misses. The momentum of my body hitting his throws us both to the ground and knocks the gun from his hand. I'm taller than him, but he's thick and starts throwing some loaded punches at me. I don't care if I get hurt as long as I can keep him away from Lola. Even better if I can distract Simon long enough for her to escape.

I hear a scuffle in the background, but I can't see what's happening. I'm too busy beating Diablo's ass.

Blood stains my knuckles and his face before Cutter finally shows up and stops me. He takes control of Diablo's arms and presses a knee to his back. "Where's Loralei?"

"Inside." Panting, sweating, heart pounding, I stand up and enter the house. Simon is passed out on the floor, and the place seems empty. Looking around, I catch a flash of brown hair flying out of a door. I follow her and see her jump into a Land Cruiser as it's pulling out of the garage.

Chapter 20 Hannah Clark


Simon pokes me in the back with the barrel of his gun. So unnecessary. I'm not even fighting him.

I'm still angry he searched me and tossed all my tracking devices in the trash, but I'm not trying to get away. I don't want to escape Simon right now. I want him to lead me to whoever has this bounty on my head, so I can arrest them. We're in a luxury house up in the hills with the air conditioning blasting even though it's a cool day outside. I hope Mace and his family were able to follow us here. If not, I'm on my own.

Out of habit, I catalogue all the exits. Behind me, the front door, a big sliding glass door off the living room, and the inner garage door near the kitchen that we came through to get in. I remember noticing other cars in the garage, so there could be more people here. We stand silently and awkwardly in the living room. "Why are we here?"

Simon looks up. Giselle struts leisurely down the stairs like Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard. "Well, hello, Simon."

Ah, so it was Giselle. I would've bet money Diablo put the bounty out on me, but it was her. She must be very worried I'll spill everything I know, and she'll end up rotting in prison.

Seeing her triggers my memory again. Diablo dropped me off on the island. Introduced me to her. He kissed her. Diablo kissed Giselle. I get it now. They're a couple, and she was facilitating the transfer of women to Arthur.

I remember how she was so nice and welcoming to me, but then she offered me drugs. When I refused, she forced it on me. She doesn't look like a bad person. She's dressed elegantly, like someone who has money. It's so hard to believe she's Copyright 2016 - 2024