Melting - Sean Ashcroft Page 0,24

a little more off you right now, though.”

“That,” I began, gritting my teeth against a moan as Wes’s fingers slipped down further, brushing against my balls through just a thin layer of fabric. “Is the sexiest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

Wes laughed again, helping me pull the stupid things down and pausing while I kicked my boots off, his whole face glowing as he watched me struggle out of them. And that wasn’t sexy, but it didn’t have to be. I knew it didn’t have to be.

Wes liked me just the way I was.

“You’re enjoying this,” I accused, climbing back on top of him now that I was finally free.

“Am I not meant to?” Wes raised an eyebrow, innocence written all over his face.

“You know what I mean.”

He grinned up at me, but I didn’t feel like he was laughing at me. I felt like we were sharing a joke.

“I’m enjoying the hell out of this,” Wes said. “And I’m not sorry.”

“You will be,” I said, surging forward to catch his lips again and working him out of his jeans, a little thrill of satisfaction rolling through me as his cock sprang into my hand.

We rolled around on the bed for a while, Wes flipping me over to pull his shirt off, revealing all that beautifully-tanned skin at once and leaving me breathless. I felt pale in comparison when he pulled my t-shirt off in turn, but the way Wes licked his lips as his fingers traced the dusting of hair on my chest and kept going to my treasure trail stopped me from worrying that he might care.

Beautifully tanned was probably boring to him by now, living out here. I was practically exotic.

Marissa would have laughed her ass off if she knew I’d had that thought.

I rolled him back over and yanked his underwear off, letting it catch around his thighs and taking a moment to admire his pretty cock, jutting eagerly out from his body, curved and dark and already glistening at the head.

“I know it’s pretty,” Wes said. “But you’re allowed to tell me.”

“It is pretty,” I admitted. “Can’t wait to taste it.”

Wes’s eyes widened like a kid’s on Christmas morning. “You don’t have to wait,” he said.

I’d hit on a weakness. Maybe hookups didn’t do this for him?

Well, I was going to. I wanted this to be good for Wes.

“Oh, permission,” I murmured, curling a hand around his hip. He squirmed under me, still flushed, hair a mess where I’d run my hands through it, lips red where I’d bitten them.

Yeah. I definitely wanted to suck his cock. And then I wanted to watch him come.

“Lube in the nightstand?” I asked, waiting for confirmation that this was really what he wanted.

Wes nodded, biting his lip. His gaze followed me as I got it, tossing the half-empty tube and a condom wrapper on the bed next to him, pausing to marvel at how lucky I was.

Wes laughed as I kissed him again, hands all over me, as though he was trying to touch everywhere at once. He slid them into my underwear and pushed down, shoving fabric out of the way.

“Impatient?” I asked.

“Always,” Wes said, sliding his hand down and curling his fingers around my cock, making me hiss.

“Just checking how big it is.” He grinned up at me, raising his hand to his lips and licking precome off his fingers.

I couldn’t stop myself kissing the taste out of his mouth while I flicked the lube open, pouring too much onto my fingers and losing the rest of the tube as it rolled away, clattering onto the floorboards.

Now I was impatient as I moved down his body, stopping to lap at the head of his cock and earning myself a sharp cry in response, Wes’s fingers digging deep into my hair. He wasn’t afraid to tug or pull, but I wasn’t about to stop him, not when he was making it so obvious that he liked this—liked it so much that he wasn’t completely in control anymore.

His thighs parted eagerly for me as I sealed my lips around his cock, giving me plenty of room to work as I prepped him, rolling a condom on one-handed.

Wes’s fingers tightened in my hair as I sucked harder, swallowing down precome, my own cock leaking between my legs. He was so responsive, so needy and hot and tight and perfect.

I half-expected him to disappear any moment, to wake up from a dream sweat-soaked in my own bed, tangled in Copyright 2016 - 2024