The Mechanics of Mistletoe - Liz Isaacson Page 0,90

thing, right? Sammy sent the text without censoring herself. She was getting better at that, and she had had one conversation with Bear where she’d prefaced it the way Jeff had taught her.

It’s just me, Link, and my parents. That’s all we do. It’s not a huge thing like what you Glovers do.

Bear called, which Sammy knew he would. She grinned at his picture and name—Teddy Panda Grizzly—on her phone. “Hey,” she said.

“Did you or did you not plan a massive birthday party for me at the bowling alley?” he asked instead of saying hello. “With literally every person I knew?”

“Yes,” she said. “But you like that. You’re used to it.”

“Do I?” he asked. “Am I?”

“Yes,” she said, giggling. “Remember how I’ve been an only-child for five years? I really just want a quiet celebration, Bear.”

“I understand,” he said. “Remember how I’m trying to listen and do what you ask me to do?”

“Yes,” Sammy said. “I just don’t want to stifle you.”

“Stifle me?”

“Bear, you have a larger-than-life personality. Your heart is huge. I know you have a ton of money, and I know you’re willing to do anything to make me happy.”

“Yes,” he said quietly. “And what will make you happy is a quiet celebration with your family. So why would you be worried I’d do anything but that?”

“Because your last text asked if I owned anything nice enough to wear to Richardson’s, and Bear, that’s not somewhere you go for a quiet celebration.”

“Of course it is,” he said. “They even play that really classical music.”

Sammy tried to stifle her laugher, but she couldn’t. “Really classical music?” she repeated. “Is that more classical than regular classical music?”

“You know what I mean,” he said with a chuckle. “And by the way, okay is not the right answer for if you have anything to wear to Richardson’s. That’s a yes or no question.”

“I have dresses I wear to church,” she said.

“Okay, then,” he said. “Tomorrow night. Me and you at Richardson’s.”

Sammy instantly began to worry about her parents, and her hesitation spoke volumes, because Bear said, “Sammy, please don’t worry. I have this all taken care of.” He cleared his throat. “I mean, you can worry if you want. I’m not perfect, but I do have a plan I hope will work.”

Sammy smiled and shook her head. It had been a good three weeks with Bear now that they were back together. He’d resumed his kind gestures that showed her he loved her. He’d taken Lincoln to the ranch several times after school and on the weekends, and Lincoln absolutely adored Bear. He’d come to dinner at her parents’ house, and her mother had wept on his shoulder as she thanked him for helping them the day Daddy had fallen.

“Will I see you today?” she asked.

“Oh, boy,” Bear said, exhaling. “Maybe? I’ve got some drama happening at the ranch right now, and I’m not sure I can leave Judge and Mister alone.”

“I’ll text Judge and tell him to grow up,” Sammy teased.

“He’ll love that,” Bear said dryly.

Sammy laughed and promised she wouldn’t text Judge. The call ended, and she sighed as she watched the screen darken.

“Talking to Teddy?” Jeff asked, and Sammy straightened and looked at him. He wore a grin and so much more happiness on his face.

“Yes,” she said. “Do you know what he’s doing for my birthday?”

Jeff shook his head. “Believe it or not, Sammy, when he comes here, we don’t talk about you. He says hello and asks for you, then I come and get you. The end.” He looked over his shoulder. “I need help with this Volkswagen. I hate these cars, and this one is being a diva.”

Sammy laughed and followed him back into the shop, still a little nervous about tomorrow night and what would happen.

When she pulled up to her house later that night, Bear’s shiny black truck sat in her driveway, blocking her way into her garage. He didn’t seem to be sitting in the truck, though, and she looked at Lincoln. “You want to go find him?”

“Sure.” Lincoln slipped out of the truck without a second look back. He ran toward the front porch, but Bear came out of her house before he reached the top of the steps. Bear scooped Lincoln into his arms, both of them smiling.

Sammy couldn’t help smiling too, but she took a moment to say a prayer and put her hand sanitizer in her purse. Then she got out at the same time Bear and Lincoln came Copyright 2016 - 2024