Up to Me - By M. Leighton Page 0,9

likely know who I am. They called my phone, Cash's phone, to tell me about Marissa. If they didn't know I'm the same person, they'd have called Nash's phone. Since we're brothers, both numbers are programmed into her phone."

"So then, if they know who you are, why take Marissa?"

"They probably knew Marissa was gone. And they thought you would be the only one coming back here. But by taking her, they're also making a point."

"Which is?"

"That they could get to you" he says quietly. "And that they know."

My guts swim with nausea. And fear. For both Marissa and for myself.

I fight back tears. "But why would they want either of us? We don't know anything."

"It's not what you know. At least not entirely, I don't think. It's who you are."

"That would make sense with Marissa. She's the successful, influential one. The one who comes from money. I'm a nobody, from nowhere."

Cash turns around until he's looking into my eyes.

"Not to me you're not."

Above the fear that's clogging my chest, I feel a little thrill at his words.

"They - "

"Baby," Cash begins, interrupting me. "I know you have questions, but right now I don't have all the answers. And we have to get out of here. Just hold that thought. Let me get us someplace safe and we'll talk more."

He doesn't wait around for my answer. He guns the engine and the motorcycle shoots forward, leaving me clinging to his back for dear life.
It makes me feel both reassured and guilty when Olivia's grip tightens around my waist. I'm so glad I waited around for her to get safely inside. If I'd been just a few minutes earlier dropping her off or if she'd driven home by herself...

The air cools the cold sweat that pops out across my forehead.

I release the handlebars long enough to reach down and brush my fingers across the back of her hand. I want her to know that I know and that I'm here. In fact, I'm the reason she's even in any danger, which is where the guilt comes from.

If I hadn't taken such an interest in her, if I'd left it at just a fling, like all the others, no one would think to threaten her to get to me. By caring for her, I messed up. Now they're onto me and, as a result, onto Olivia.

I wouldn't wish anything bad on Marissa. I mean, she's a cold bitch, but she doesn't deserve to die because of it. And I'm sure that's what they have planned for her. What they had planned for Olivia.

The thought makes my stomach clinch.

I speed up. My only concern right now is getting her someplace safe. And then I can work out the rest. I don't have a contingency plan for this; after all this time, I never thought they'd find out I have the books. Not until it's too late for them to do anything about it.

But, I'm a smart guy. And my dad's got real experience with these kinds of people. We'll figure out something. We have to. It's that simple.

I take the most convoluted path I can think of to get downtown to the hotel I've got in mind. Constantly, I check my mirrors for lights or any other sign that someone's following us. I can't take anything for granted now.

When I pull up to the extravagant front entrance of the hotel, the valet appears. He's young and looks anxious to drive my motorcycle.

After we're off, I tip him and watch as he drives the bike into the gated, underground parking area. I figure my ride won't be easily discovered there. I'll take as many precautions as I can think to take.

I grab Olivia's hand, leading her into the luxurious lobby of the hotel. Holing up here with her will cost me a pretty penny, but she's worth every cent. Besides, she might never have had the opportunity to stay at a place like this before. If I can manage to make her feel safe enough, she might actually enjoy it. The fact that I get her all to myself, in surroundings like this, for an indefinite amount of time is a huge bonus for me.

There's a brunette behind the reception desk. "May I help you?"

"We're just

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