Up to Me - By M. Leighton Page 0,3

wrists together in the long fingers of one hand. His free hand blazes a fiery trail down my side, his thumb grazing my already-aching nipple, then on to my stomach where it slips beneath the hem of my tank top.

He flattens his palm over my ribs and moves it around to my back and down into the waistband of my pants. The fit is loose there, so it's easy for him to slide into them then down into my panties to cup my bare butt.

He pulls me against him, grinding his hips into mine as he sucks on my lower lip. "Do you know how hard it was to let you work tonight? To know that I can't touch you or kiss you or even watch you?" he pants against my open mouth. "All I could think about was what you look like naked and the little noises you make when I stick my tongue inside you."

His words make the lowest part of my belly fill with heat and tighten. He releases my wrists, but rather than push him away, I thread my fingers into his hair and crush my lips to his. I feel him working at the button and zipper of my jeans and excitement floods me.

"It's only been a few hours and all I can think about is the way you taste, the way you feel wrapped around me. When you're so hot and so ready. So wet," he murmurs against my mouth.

Just as my need rises to fever pitch, a voice interrupts us.

"Nash?" It's Marissa and she's pounding on the interior garage door. Cash drags his lips away from mine and places his finger over my mouth to hush me. "Nash?" She bangs again. "I know you're in there. The garage is open and your car is here."

I hear Cash growl. "Shit! What the hell is she doing back?" he whispers.

My mind races. Although I know Cash and Nash are the same person, the fact that Marissa doesn't could pose a problem in instances like this, especially when she doesn't know about Cash and me.

"What should we do? We can't let her find out like this!"

Cash sighs and leans back to run his fingers through his mussed hair. Luckily, his preferred style is kind of spiky and disheveled, so it's not noticeable that my fingers have been in it.

My body aches with want, but my mind is already in gear for reality.

"Well, I guess the only thing to do is pretend like you're closing up. I'll think of something to tell her about Nash."

"Okay," I say, straightening my clothes and hair.

"I could kick myself for opening the garage door so early. I was gonna pull your car in after Taryn left." He sighs again and shakes his head slightly. When he looks back at me, his eyes are smoky and hot. "We're far from finished, though," he promises, leaning in and lightly biting my shoulder. A bolt of electricity shoots through me and lands between my legs. He knows exactly what to do and what to say to tear me up.

It takes everything I have to let Olivia go so I can answer Marissa at the door. Being with Olivia is like escaping into a bubble of perfection, into a bubble of life away from all the trouble and deception and...dirt of my double existence. And it's hard as hell to come back out!

I run my fingers through my hair again. My hard-on isn't a problem anymore; the sound of Marissa's voice took care of that. In fact, it almost gave me a damned vagina.

Gritting my teeth, I stomp to the door that leads out to the garage. I jerk it open, making no bones about my displeasure. Marissa's knuckles almost hit my nose; she was in the process of knocking again.

"Oh," she says, jumping back, evidently startled by my sudden appearance. She clears her throat. "Cash. Sorry to be so persistent, but I need to see your brother. Now. He won't return my calls and he owes me an explanation."

The longer she talks, the madder she gets. I can hear it in the pitch of her voice and I can see it in the thin line of her lips.

"Sorry, Marissa. He's not here. He

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