The Maverick - By Jan Hudson Page 0,30

by for a visit and a bowl of chili, only to see the closed sign. Am I interrupting something?”

“Not at all,” Sunny said. “We’re just finishing up a meeting and starting to wash dishes.” Sunny explained the vandalism and the flooding.

“How absolutely terrible,” Belle said. “How can I help? I’m not much of a cook, but I can wash dishes.”

“The kitchen staff is arriving shortly, and they’ll see to the rest of the dishes, but thanks, Belle,” Cass said. “We plan to reopen on Monday.”

Belle turned on the charm and chatted with Gloria and Min about their trip. When she heard that Gloria was a painter, she said, “My mother-in-law is a painter, quite an excellent one. She has a gallery in Wimberley, The Firefly. You must come down sometime and visit. Do you paint, too, Min?”

“Oh, heavens no. I do needlework.”

“Don’t be modest, Aunt Min,” Sunny said. “Her needlework is exquisite. I’m so envious. I can barely sew on a button.”

“It was so delightful meeting you,” Belle said to the older women, “but I must be running along. I’m sure you must have a world of things to do before the reopening.”

Min cocked her head at Belle. “Have we met before? You look very familiar somehow.”

“No, I’m sure we’ve never met.”

“Humph,” Gloria said. “I should imagine she looks familiar. Look at her and look at your nieces. They could be sisters.”

“That must be it,” Min said.

“We’ve heard that before,” Cass said. “Strange, isn’t it? Belle, I’ll walk you out. I want to ask you something.” She hooked her arm through her cousin’s and practically dragged her out the door.

Once they were outside, Belle said, “I’m sorry I came at an awkward time. I didn’t dream they were back yet.”

“Not a problem. I’m sorry the situation was uncomfortable for you. We have to tell them about meeting the whole Outlaw family sooner or later, and your visit has given us the perfect opening. I’m glad they got to meet you.”

“I hope it turns out well. Oh, before I forget, Frank and Carrie are coming down next weekend, and Carrie said she wants to meet privately with you and Sunny. We’d love to have you join us in Wimberley on Sunday or, if that’s not possible, Carrie can come to Austin. I think she wanted to combine everything in one trip if possible.”

Curious about the odd request, Cass frowned. Carrie Outlaw, who was married to Frank James Outlaw, judge of the Naconiche County Court of Law, was a former landman for an oil company. She’d come to town to lease drilling rights in the area, and stayed to marry Frank. These days she practiced law in town. “I wonder what she wants?”

“She didn’t say, and I didn’t ask. Are you free?”

“I’ll have to check with Sunny. Shall I get back to you or to Carrie?”

“Me first. I can relay your message, and she can call you if she needs to.”

They said goodbye and Cass reentered the dining room. The business with Carrie was intriguing but totally overshadowed by having to deal with telling her mother about their new relationship with the Outlaw family.

Everybody appeared as if they’d been zapped into suspended animation while she was gone. Sunny was sitting stock-still, staring down at her hands; their mom was staring at Sunny; Aunt Min was staring at Gloria.

“Sorry about the interruption,” Cass said. “Anything else we need to go over, Sunny?”

“Uh, no. I think we’ve just about covered everything.”

Cass sat back down in the chair she’d vacated earlier and tried desperately to think of the right opening. Her scalp prickled and she began to reexperience the sausage biscuit she’d eaten earlier.

“She’s a lovely young woman,” Gloria said.


“Belle. What did you say her last name was?”

“Burrell. Her husband’s name is Gabe.”

“I see,” Gloria said, pinning Cass with a sharp gaze, the same gaze that never missed anything. “And what is her father’s name?”

“Wes.” Cass swallowed. “Wes Outlaw.”

One could have heard the proverbial pin drop.

“My stars and garters!” Aunt Min said.

Gloria took a deep breath. “I see. No wonder her resemblance to you is amazing.”

“Belle is Belle Starr Outlaw Burrell. We’ve met the whole family. We didn’t go looking for them. One of Belle’s brothers came in for lunch one day and, quite by accident we discovered we were cousins. And, Mom, all the Outlaws were delighted to learn about us.”

“They’ve welcomed us into the family with open arms,” Sunny said. “They’re such nice people, and they’re eager to meet you, Mom.”

“I see.”

“Gloria,” Min Copyright 2016 - 2024