The Maverick - By Jan Hudson Page 0,28

things left were Cass’s earrings and Griff’s left sock.

“Oh, woman, you set me on fire,” Griff said as he stroked her breast.

“The feeling’s mutual,” she murmured against his lips.

Their joining was quick and hot, interrupted only long enough for protection.

“I’m sorry,” Griff said a few moments later. He rested his forehead against hers. “I meant for that to last. I usually have better control.”

“Do this a lot, do you?”

“Not as much as you might think. I don’t have much time for dating. My mind is generally on work.”

“Uh-huh. Sure. And I have this bridge for sale…”

He chuckled and rolled her over on top of him. “Come here, you.”

He made love to her again. Slowly. Sweetly. Thoroughly.

Sometime later, they showered, wrapped up in soft hotel robes and fed each other dessert.

“Ahh,” she said, licking her lips. “Pecans, caramel and chocolate all in one. What could be better?”

Flicking a little drip off her chin with his tongue, he said, “Give me a few minutes, sweetheart, and I’ll show you.”

GRIFF COULDN’T SLEEP. He lay holding Cass, listening to her breathing and trying to figure out when his feelings for her had changed. He’d always been satisfied to be a love ’em and leave ’em type. Early on he’d learned commitments could be messy, but none of the women in his past had been like Cass. He’d never cared for them in the way he was beginning to care for her. Maybe it was because he was getting older. Maybe it was because there was something special about her—her laugh, her fierce dedication to her beliefs, the softness of her skin, the way she touched his heart and warmed him inside. He didn’t want to leave her.

Nor did he want to hurt her.

If she knew why he was in Austin and why he’d schemed to meet her that day on the jogging trail, she would be furious. She would never forgive him if she found out. Secrets had a way of jumping up and biting you in the butt, she’d said. He would have to make sure she didn’t discover his. He couldn’t bear to see her hurt, and he wasn’t ready to give her up. He might never be ready.

Hell, he’d already amassed enough money to last most people the rest of their lives. Why did he need more? This deal didn’t seem so important any longer.

CASS HAD SLEPT LATER than she intended, and Griff was still out like a light, sleeping so peacefully she hated to awaken him. So she dressed in her jogging clothes and left him a note. She left her other clothes and big purse behind, taking only a few essentials in her fanny pack, and tiptoed out. She’d meant to jog home, but it was getting late, so she grabbed a taxi and climbed out a block from her destination in case her mom and aunt got there early.

They had. Dressed for work, they were just getting out of their car when she trotted up.

“Good morning,” Gloria said. “Have you been out for a run already? You don’t even look winded.”

“I’ve been practicing,” Cass said. She kissed her mom and Aunt Min on their cheeks. “Why are you here so early?”

“There’s lots to do yet, and you girls shouldn’t have all the burden,” Min said. “Besides, what else do we have to do? Have you had breakfast?”

“Not yet. Come upstairs and I’ll make us some coffee.”

“No need,” Gloria said. “We brought a thermos full, and Sunny’s stopping by one of the fast food places on her way here.”

“Speak of the devil, here she is,” Cass said. She waved to her sister as Sunny pulled into the back lot, and went to help carry bags inside. “You got sausage biscuits, I hope?”


Once they were inside and the alarm turned off, Gloria led them to a table near the front window, and they distributed food and ate.

Sunny bagged their trash and said, “Since all of the dishes and kitchen items have to be washed, let’s get the first loads into the dishwashers, and then we can have our company meeting.”

“We’re having a company meeting?” Cass asked.

“Yes, I left a message on your cell,” Sunny said with a little smirk.

“Oops. I haven’t checked my messages.” She pulled her phone from her fanny pack. “My battery’s down, and I forgot to recharge it. Sorry. What are we discussing?”

“A bunch of stuff,” Sunny said. “Let’s go load dishes first.”

After the dishwashers were running, they gathered again at the table and Sunny handed out Copyright 2016 - 2024