The Maverick - By Jan Hudson Page 0,24

eyebrow went even higher.

GRIFF, THE SWEETHEART, insisted on providing the barbecue dinner. Cass was surprised he didn’t suggest having it catered. He’d been überhelpful and attentive during their crisis at Chili Witches, certainly more solicitous of her than Daniel had ever been—and they’d been engaged. Maybe all New York lawyers weren’t tarred with the same brush.

Sunny had invited Ben and Jay over, as well. Their mom and aunt were itching to meet the groom. Cass was sure there wouldn’t be any objections to him; Ben McKee was a dear. And she couldn’t imagine them not liking Griff as well. He was a first-class charmer.

Chapter Ten

It was Jay who stole the show. Both Gloria and Min fell in love with Ben’s little boy, who was especially delightful in relating his Montessori class’s trip to a goat farm.

After the men left, Gloria said, “Jay is a little doll. And, Sunny, I like your Ben very much.”

“He’s a wonderful father and will make a good husband for you,” Min said. “He obviously adores you.”

Cass waited for comments about Griff, who had been charming and solicitous as usual. None came. She finally said, “Griff was very sweet to provide our dinner.”

“Yes, he was,” Gloria agreed.

Min began clearing coffee cups. “The ribs were among the best I’ve ever had. Just suited my taste.”

“What did you think of him?” Cass asked directly.

“He has beautiful eyes,” her aunt said. “Reminds me a bit of Paul Newman.”

Cass had lived with these women long enough to recognize a runaround when she heard it. “But what about him as a person?”

“I don’t know him well enough to have an opinion yet,” Gloria said, busying herself with cleaning up the remnants of their meal.

“Don’t bother with that,” Cass said, taking the bowl from her hand. “We’ll clean up later. Come on, Mom. Don’t dillydally.”

“About what?”

Cass chuckled. “About Griff.”

“He seems a bit too…”

“Slick,” Aunt Min chimed in.

“I was going to say ‘prep school,’ but that, too.”

“Oh, come on, you guys. You’ve been in France and loved it there. The French wrote the book on snobbery. And Griff’s no snob.”

“That’s only in Paris, and only a few people,” Min said. “The French are quite nice folks. And Griff is quite nice, too, I’m sure. We just need to get to know him better. He’s not a Texas boy.”

“True,” Gloria said. She yawned hugely. “My, my, look at the time. I think jet lag is catching up with me.”

“Me, too,” Min said, managing a yawn of her own. “I think we’d better get along home. We can talk all day tomorrow while we’re setting things straight at the café.”

AFTER SHE AND SUNNY HAD dropped off their mother and aunt, Cass said, “Obviously Mom and Aunt Min don’t like Griff. How do you feel about him?”

“The question isn’t how do any of us feel about him. How do you feel about him?”

“I’m not sure. Sometimes I’m crazy about him, and at other times I feel like he’s a little too…”


Cass laughed. “Well, yeah. But I’ll tell you this. He’s hell on wheels in bed.”

“Cass! You haven’t already…”

“Yep. I have. And the man turns me on like a house afire.”

Sunny chuckled. “There’s something to be said about that.”

“For sure. And it’s not as if we’re into any sort of permanent commitment. Griff has made some noises about moving to Austin, but I suspect when his business is finished, he’ll hightail it back to New Yawk, and I won’t see him again until he’s back on business.”

“How does that make you feel?”

Cass thought for a minute. “Ambivalent.”

“Hmm. Exactly what is Griff’s business? I mean, I know he’s a lawyer, but what brings him to Austin?”

“I don’t know, and he won’t say. Confidentiality issues, I assume. I suspect he may be a consultant to some high profile firm or another. Being a lawyer, I understand the need for tight lips, and I haven’t pried.”

“The cop in me makes me curious.”

“I’ll admit to a little curiosity of my own. You know, I almost had a heart attack at dinner tonight when Jay said your dog was very much like Dr. Skye’s dog.”

“Lord, I know,” Sunny said. “Ben pulled that one out when he casually mentioned that Dr. Skye was a vet, and changed the subject. I could have kissed him. But, sis, sooner or later, probably sooner, we have to break the news to Mom about meeting the Outlaw relatives. Had any great revelations on just how we’re going to broach the subject?”

“Not a one.”

“Me, either. And we still Copyright 2016 - 2024