The Matter of a Marquess - Jess Michaels Page 0,85

a cut,” Derrick said, moving forward and unwinding his cravat as he went. “You’ve been shot.”

Nicholas’s heart leapt as he watched his brother glance at the wound with an impassive glance. “It seems I have.”

“Oscar!” Imogen gasped, but she stepped aside as Derrick waved him to remove the jacket and examined the wound quickly.

“It went through,” Fitzhugh said with a shrug that made him flinch slightly. “Wrap it if you will and I’ll have it looked at later.”

Derrick’s brows came up and he cast a quick look at Nicholas and Selina, but did as he’d been ordered. While he did so, Fitzhugh’s jaw set as he looked around the once-fine room that was now riddled with bullet holes and broken glass and furniture.

“Bloody hell,” he muttered.

“I’m sorry,” Imogen whispered.

He looked down at her, brow wrinkling. “Don’t.”

“I don’t see anyone below,” Willowby called out. “There must have been more than one assailant for all this carnage. Diana, Barber, we should go down and question witnesses on the street. Huntington, does that wound need more attention?”

Derrick tied off the cravat with a shake of his head. “It’s fine for now, though he’ll need a doctor later. I’ll join you, you’ll need as many boots on the ground as possible.”

Willowby’s lips thinned. “I’ll send for more men.”

Diana glanced at Selina, who was staring at Fitzhugh. Nicholas could see her concern, despite her earlier dismissal of their brother. “Selina, will you check on the welfare of the servants and anyone else in the building?”

Selina jerked to attention. “Yes. Yes, of course. How many are there, Fitzhugh?”

He pursed his lips in what seemed like annoyance. “It’s a small staff because I closed the club for the afternoon. No more than five. My assumption is they were in the back, but I would appreciate you checking on them and telling them that I’ll take care of this mess and that Will White will be here shortly. He’s my partner and I’ll send for him. Right now, though, I need to take Imogen away.”

Aurora pulled from Nicholas’s arms. “No, wait! Is that for the best?”

Willowby gave his wife a look, and she nodded. As Willowby, Barber and Huntington left the room, Diana approached Fitzhugh with an almost delicate air. Like she was about to tame some wild beast.

Aurora couldn’t disagree with that assessment. Despite how calm his voice was, Fitzhugh’s eyes were lit with emotion. This man was a caldron, ready to overflow. And judging from Imogen’s concerned expression, she knew it too. But she didn’t seem to fear him. Just fear for him.

Aurora glanced at Nicholas. She knew the feeling.

“Mr. Fitzhugh, obviously this event has been upsetting,” Diana began.

“Upsetting, Your Grace?” Fitzhugh grunted. “You think this is upsetting?”

“Oscar.” Imogen took his hand. He turned his head, and Imogen looked at the duchess. “Your Grace, he has protected me well in the last few weeks. Perhaps it would be better for me to go with him. I’ve endangered enough people as it is.”

“Imogen,” Aurora whispered.

Her friend turned toward her. “You could have died because of me. Please, just let me protect you.”

Aurora flinched. Imogen was repeating words she’d said to Nicholas today, though certainly under much less dire circumstances. But hearing them, she revolted against them. The idea that she would turn her back on someone she loved like a sister was abhorrent.

“We are all under a great deal of strain,” Diana said softly, looking between them all with a gentle expression that couldn’t do anything but calm and soothe. “But the duke and I are part of the War Department, Mr. Fitzhugh.”

“Yes, I know. I’ve heard of you before, though not by name. I heard a rumor the government was involved in investigating in some way. We clearly have a great deal to discuss.”

Diana nodded. “We do. Another reason not to hide yourselves where we cannot find you. We have the weight of the entire government to bring to bear onto this case. I do think Imogen needs to be hidden, I agree with you. The fact that someone shot at all of us the moment she was brought out of hiding means someone is desperate to silence her.”

“We know who. At least some of who,” Imogen said, her voice breaking. “Oscar, please, they can help us. Stop fighting it.”

“Let us provide the safe hiding place,” Diana said. “Protected by armed guards, hidden from plain sight. Someplace where no one will find her, but where we will have access to what she knows about the people Copyright 2016 - 2024