Mateo Caputo (Unseen Underground #2) - Abigail Davies Page 0,77

hand against Sofia’s accepting her praise.

“Who’s Stan?” Romeo asked, leaning back in his seat.

“The drug dealer my mom and dad use,’ Luna answered. “The latest one in a long line.”

Romeo pinched his lips together, staring at Luna differently. It wasn’t with hatred in his eyes, but interest. He was trying to work her out. I wanted to wish him luck with that because I didn’t think I’d ever fully work her out, but that was the fun in being with her. She wasn’t boring, but she wasn’t turning me upside down constantly. She was a perfect mixture of both.

“Your parents are addicts?” Romeo asked. Luna nodded, her hand still gripping mine tightly. “I hope they get clean,” he added.

My stomach rolled at his words. I hadn’t told Luna about her dad. I didn’t want to get her hopes up, not until he was truly clean and settled, away from her mom. He’d told me that they bounced off each other. Everyone knew that addicts could never be together for that very reason.

Luna snorted. “That’ll never happen. But I’m okay with that.” She turned her head as we pulled to a stop. “I have Mateo and the kids. That’s all I’ll ever need.”

I smiled at her, bringing her hand to my lips, and placing a kiss on her knuckles. “You’ve always got me, darlin’. No takebacks, remember?” She closed her eyes, soaking in my words, and when she opened them back up, they shone with unshed tears, but I knew they weren’t sad. She was happy, just like I was.

“Let’s get this over with,” Lorenzo barked out. “I fuckin’ hate these things.”

“We know,” Sofia said, rolling her eyes. “Just get drunk. That’s what I do.” She shuffled across the seat and pointed at the door while looking at me. “Let’s get out of this prison people like to call a limo.”

I snapped open the door and slid out, turning and expecting to see Luna behind me, but she’d gotten out of the other side. My gaze ricocheted across the top of the limo and spotted her standing with Romeo and Christian. I moved to go to her, but a hand on my arm stopped me.

“Find out who Stan is,” Lorenzo said, his voice low for only me to hear. “Get Mr. Blue on it if you need to.” A muscle in his jaw twitched. “I want the bastard in my basement.”

“I’m on it,” I told him, trying to keep my attention on him and not looking over at Luna. I didn’t trust Romeo with her, not when he’d flip flopped in the limo. Had what Aida said really opened his eyes up? Or was he putting on a front? I didn’t know. And I hated that I couldn’t work it out. I needed to be able to trust him. I needed to know he had my back one hundred percent.

“Good.” He slid his palm down his jaw. “Let’s get this night fuckin’ over with.” He sneered as a man wearing a headset rushed over to us. He growled his frustration, and I took that as my cue to leave.

I spun around, my gaze searching for Luna. She wasn’t where she’d just been. My pulse spiked. Where the hell was— Her red dress caught my attention and I breathed out a sigh. She was standing with Aida and Sofia, the three of them surrounded by Christian, Romeo, and Rafael.

She smiled at me as I got closer, and when she was within touching distance, I dragged her against me, needing to feel her. “You okay?” I murmured, following the rest of the group up the stairs to the grand building.

“Yeah.” She placed her hand on top of the one I had on her hip. “You?”

I swallowed, not sure if I should tell her that I needed to know exactly who Stan was. I needed information only she could give. Her blue eyes lit up as we made it to the top of the stairs. She’d never been to anything like this, and I realized this was the first time we’d been out together like this.

“I’m good,” I said, pushing my thoughts away. I’d talk to her tomorrow, get all of the facts I could from her, then get to work. But for tonight I’d just be with her.

The vast entrance was full of guests, with waiters carrying champagne flutes weaving in and out of them. Opulence filled the space, a distinct vibe drifting around the room and wrapping around the most elite in Copyright 2016 - 2024