Mated to the Chaos - Georgette St. Clair Page 0,8

Giuliana and Pasquale stood behind them.

“There are wolves outside seeking entrance,” Dominic told Arturo.

“The Renegades.”

It didn’t surprise Carlo it was the first time Arturo had spoken. His Alpha was more inclined to watch others, observe, and then react.

Arturo nodded, his salt-and-pepper hair grayer in the lower light. “Has the other wolf made it?”

“He’s there,” Dominic assured.

“Then they can enter.”

Everyone looked to the elevators and waited as Dominic sent a call to the guards upstairs to allow more guests into the meeting. A few moments later, the doors slid open silently and a large male with a wild streak of red in his curly black hair stalked into the room. There was no other way to describe it. He fucking stalked. His pale green eyes scanned the space much beyond a cursory glance. He studied, looked at who was where, and even noted the exits, which the elevator was the only one. A dark-skinned man with golden eyes and a wicked smile was just beside him, observing just as much as his leader.

“Alexi,” Heath greeted the man in front before extending his hand to the gold-eyed male behind him. “Bastion.”

It was almost as if a lightbulb had sparked to life in Carlo’s head. So this was the Alexi who’d aligned himself with Heath and his Tethered Unseelie, so Bastion must be his second-in-command.

Alexi nodded at the Fae before sliding his full attention to Arturo. He didn’t bow or greet in the normal sense—like kneel before Arturo—but there was a moment he lowered his chin an inch.

“Well met, Alpha of the Moretti and Alpha of the Lombardi. I am Alexi Borgia, Alpha of the Renegades.”

“That remains to be seen, doesn’t it?”

Instead of being put off by Arturo’s greeting, the wolf tossed him a pleased smile. “You are what we thought you were. A powerful wolf. I will join this meeting. Where shall I sit?”

“Next to Kalinda.”

Alexi looked to Kalinda with a lifted brow. “Enough power to, hopefully, crush me if I were to attack, and also a neutral area of the table. Excellent choice.”

The man was smart, Carlo would give him that. The wolf took his seat, Bastion at his back. Carlo didn’t miss how Yon shifted to stand closer. They may come together for a threat, but it didn’t mean they were all allies.

The next wolf was much more relaxed, his skin tanned by the sun, his dark-brown hair curling around his face, and brighter hazel eyes dancing with enjoyment. When he was also the leader of the largest pack of wolves, he could afford to be confident in such a way.

“Adonis,” Carlo welcomed the man.

“Hello, my friend. We have missed you.” Adonis winked.

Carlo shot a brief glace at Nanshe before returning it to the Moonstone Alpha. “Really? You too? Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve been out there to gamble. What is up with you and Romano?”

The Alpha chuckled and spread his hands in front of him in placating gesture. “I meant no harm. I’m just glad to see you.”

Carlo rolled his eyes and waited for Adonis and his Capitan Raphael to take their seats. Raphael stood behind his Alpha, who had chosen the chair next to Dominic. Raphael was always severe, his face set in harsh and angular lines, his gray eyes adding to the impression. He was the epitome of an Alpha, but his loyalty to Adonis was steadfast. The fact he carried that kind of power within him but would never use it to challenge his Alpha made him the perfect right-hand man.

Torin entered and sat to the left of Nanshe. Sweeping a cursory glance over the room, his gaze rested on Silva longer than it probably should have. The Fae Queen grimaced and remained silent. That was … odd. The Guardian’s runes danced over his skin for a moment before he leaned back in his seat, looking like an ancient Greek god waiting in repose.

How the fuck the man did that was anyone’s guess.

Zahara walked the length of the table and placed herself in the chair at Arturo’s right, with Teague and Kallan, Heath’s other two Tethered males, behind her. Carlo had wondered where they were. He had to admit, the Unseelie covering both ends of the room was a subtle yet equally blatant show of force.

Taking in the entire space and all the placements of the most powerful leaders in the city, Carlo was impressed. Everyone was in their respective places, a sign of solidarity among the individual groups yet unity as a whole Copyright 2016 - 2024