Mated to the Chaos - Georgette St. Clair Page 0,12

Pack truly was more vicious than any Mafia, but that wasn’t something to say with Made Men in the room.

Arturo glared at the other Alpha, his wolf visibly pulsing under his skin for a moment. “Is that a challenge, Adonis?”

Adonis wasn’t one to be cowed, his own wolf pushing until his canines elongated. “We’re more like Zetas than Capone. Entiendes?”

Silva sat forward. “Los Zetas? You dudes are brutal.”

“I said ‘like,’ Silva, so imagine what we are. Be thankful we decided we enjoy staying out of the middle of bullshit.”

A delighted smile spread across Silva’s face. “Can you get me a Singer 1911A1, original, none of that fake bullshit? I’ll love you forever.”

Adonis’s smile was appreciative and dark. “Oh, a woman who knows her … guns. I may have one or a hundred under lock.”

“There’s only five hundred of those like ever.”

“Well, yes, little warrior. And I plan to own them all.”

Silva sagged in her seat with a moan. “You can totally deal with four hundred ninety-nine and give me one. Pretty please.”

Silva tossed Adonis a pleading look, duck lips and all, and it was enough to lighten the tension in the room. She glared at everyone who chuckled.

“I am so serious about that gun,” she groused.

“I know you are, and I may just have to get it for you. But only if you’re a very, very good girl.”

“Have you met me? Good isn’t in my vocabulary.”

Torin’s power rippled and shut up whatever Adonis had been poised to say. “We have a powerful enemy coming for us, and I have to listen to this? What else can you tell us, Nanshe?”

“Prepare, now. She is coming sooner than later.”

The tone in the room changed instantly.

Carlo looked at her gently. “How soon, tesoro?”

She was silent again, and Carlo groaned. That would take some getting used to. He changed tactics. “Do we have a month?”




“Two weeks?”


“A week?”

She was silent, and he decided to try that mental chat thing they did.

More than a week?

“Prepare like it’s tomorrow.”

Well, if nothing else, he could say it wasn’t tomorrow, since she’d said something, but that didn’t make him feel much better. His gaze met his Alpha’s, and Arturo nodded.

“Then we do what we can now. We each can go back to our areas and get our things in order. We can all stay in communication. The first to be attacked must relay to the others. Agreed?”

A ring of accepting answers echoed through the room.

Torin sat up straighter. “The Guardians will ward the outside as best we can. We will also temporarily disable the portal into the city.”

Kalinda groaned. “I understand why. I must contact the National Council on this, so they know to divert people elsewhere. They will want to know more.”

Yon stepped forward, his shifting face nearly making Carlo cringe. “They don’t need to know directly. You are the Ales and a member of the National Council and the leader of our Council. Technically, they know, yes?”

Kalinda shrugged. “Well, that’s a good answer. Hadn’t thought of that. But the less others may know, we can contain it.”

Arturo shook his head. “That’s if we think she’s only coming here. What if she goes somewhere else?”

“Then we deal with it. We can alert other cities to be on watch for anything suspicious and reach out for now,” Kalinda replied.

“Fine.” Arturo nodded. “I’ll get with Dominic to make sure the borders around our lands and the mage districts closest to use are covered.”

“We shall do the same with the entertainment area and the lower half of Encantado,” Adonis promised.

“The Renegades will patrol the outskirts for any warnings. We’re used to that sort of work,” Alexi offered.

“I can get wit’ sorcerers and witches t’ work on warding. If not’ing else, we can provide t’e lower mages wit’ some protection.”

“Nanshe, will you be returning to the In Between?”

Carlo’s wolf immediately fought against Heath’s question.

“No. I need to be here.”

And there went his wolf, howling in satisfaction.

Arturo nodded. “Then she stays with you, Carlo, as your responsibility. She’s your mate, and it’s your job. With preparations and an unknown in our midst, I expect you to stay close to her. Eiravel and Cynes, you will be with Isadora?”

Zoey squeaked. “First a Fury, then another ‘to-the-death’ scenario, and now you want me to keep the Unseelie men near her? I will protect my daughter, thank you very much.”

“They will be with her, Arturo, on detail twenty-four seven.”

“Dominic!” Zoey admonished.

“You will be with her. And we will add Fabiana, since Pasquale and Giuliana will be Copyright 2016 - 2024