Mate Abduction (Alien Abduction #9) - Eve Langlais Page 0,44

the group.

“And a fine job you’ve done,” Murphy declared. “His family tried to kill her and, when that didn’t work, got rid of her. Then the boy took his sweet time coming to fetch her.”

“Because I was trying to respect her choice,” Thyos exclaimed.

“He’s the only one who did,” Belle announced with a hard stare at the gods and Ishtara.

“I am your friend. I am supposed to save you from bad choices,” the Zonian declared with a ruffle of her wings.

“I tried to bring you together, but you just had to be stubborn,” Karma huffed.

“That might be my fault.” Murphy raised his hand. “You know how I like to do things.”

“I do know,” Karma snapped. “You’re always screwing up the perfect plan.”

None of that made any sense to Thyos, but he did know one thing. These people—gods, demi or whatever—were standing in the way of a proper reconciliation with Belle, and he was getting mighty tired of it. He’d come here for one thing only, to abduct his mate and bring her home.

It should be noted he’d come to this decision only after much rumination. Thyos never planned to interfere with Belle’s choice, but finding out she’d been helped along…

That changed things. Had she intended to stay? Could they perhaps still be together? He had to know.

But it appeared he needed some help. He stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled, loudly, which brought him some silence.

“Now that I have your attention, be advised that you will no longer interfere with our lives.” He pointed to himself and Belle.

“You can’t tell me what to do,” Karma declared.

“Interfering is a specialty of mine,” was Murphy’s addition.

“You are tempting me to peck out your eyes and eat them like berries.” Ishtara smacked her beak.

Gallump. Gallump.

The steady thudding drew several pairs of eyes and even widened them.

Clarabelle smiled. “You brought Ralph!”

“He missed you almost as much as me.”

The wolmoth, running so hard the ground trembled, appeared as if he’d barrel right through Belle, only to abruptly stop so she could hug him and exclaim, “Who’s the cutest, wutest puppy dog evah?”

Thyos had no idea what she said, but Ralph panted happily until she whispered something in his ear. Then he turned and growled at the gods and the Zonian warrior.

Belle sauntered close. “That should keep them busy for a while.”

Maybe. He wasn’t taking any chances. He tossed her over a brawny shoulder and headed back for his ship.

Of course, being his Belle, she had to argue about his methods. “Are you seriously going to make a habit of carting me off?”

“I was told by your friend Betty that it is considered very amorous by humans to kidnap one’s mate.”

“Am I still your mate?” she asked softly.

Did she really have to ask? He flipped her to her feet so he could look her in the eye. “Do you want to be with me?”

She leaned back to look at him, her hands cupping his jaw. “More than anything. I don’t care if we’re not sykyrah or whatever you want to call it. I love you. I want to be with you. If you’ll have me.”

“Always,” he whispered. How could she ever doubt otherwise? “I am yours, and you are mine.”

“Forever,” she said before pressing her mouth to his.

The kiss began tamely enough, but it had been too long. Too emotional a journey as he worried that he’d arrived too late. That she would have moved on.

The passion between them proved as explosive as ever. They came together in a clash of body parts and teeth, their breath hot and panting as they tore at each other’s clothes. Her skin smooth and lightly scented, bearing no one’s mark. Which might be why he sucked at her collarbone hard enough to leave an imprint of his mouth.

He wasn’t alone in being a little possessive. She placed a love bite high on his neck, in plain view.

He’d wear it with pride.

Given the trees were prickly, he turned her around in his arms and pushed down her pants. She only had to bend over a bit for him to slide inside.

The tight heat of her made him groan. He thrust slowly that he might enjoy the suction of her as he slid in and out. His arm wrapped around her waist, and his other hand was on her thigh, giving him the grip and angle he needed. To bring her pleasure up to the next level, he brought in the tip of his tail to rub her button.

The clenching of her sex muscles proved instant. He cried out, and his hips jerked forward, deep, hard, again and again. He closed his eyes as the pleasure rolled over him, a wave of intensity that froze him and left him floating at the same time.


It wasn’t really a sound so much as a warm feeling. It wrapped around him, a hug and awareness. A presence that saw him. Knew him. It went two ways.


My love.

My mate.

He could have sworn the connection between them purred with satisfaction.

Coming back to himself, he pulled reluctantly from Belle’s body but only so he could fold her into his arms. Eventually they pulled out of the hug and their gazes met.

“We just got married, didn’t we?” she asked.

He nodded.

“I am not going to learn to cook,” was her first pronouncement.

“My stomach is grateful,” was his reply.

“I don’t know if I want kids.”

“Let me know if you change your mind.” He’d prefer his own, but he could be an uncle to orphans as well.

“I don’t know if I can sit around on a planet all the time. I might want to explore a little.”

“Travel can be arranged.”

“I don’t like your mother.”

“I’m sure it’s mutual.” He smirked.

“Thanks for coming to get me.”

“You’re welcome.”

“And bringing my dog.”

“He’s not so bad. Just don’t feed him sugar.”

“Is it bad for his health?”

He grimaced. “My health. The smell.”

She laughed.

And he laughed with her.

Their journey back to his planet was uneventful, with the gods having decided to leave them alone. Ishtara sullenly sent them a message indicating she’d been called home. The only sore spot was Ralph somehow kept finding sugary treats and then slept with them, releasing a gas so noxious, more than once they had to flee the room.

Thyos threatened to kill the beast. To which Belle replied with a threat of her own, “Kill my dog and no sex for you.”

Ralph lived, but Thyos’s sense of smell suffered.

His mother had a celebration ready to launch the moment they got home. It seemed she was prepared to accept his choice. In her own fashion.

She grabbed his wife by the arms and hissed, “I expect lots of babies!”

“Maybe I’ll get a kitten instead,” was Belle’s saucy reply.

Despite the celebration being for them, they fled it early. Hand in hand, they ran through the woods, taking paths he knew all too well.

He brought his mate to the life tree. A much different tree than when he’d left. The boughs once again thick and showing promise in its budding leaves. A few unfurled at their approach, and she gasped.

“How cool.”

More of the foliage fluttered and danced as he made love to Belle under its canopy.

Only later, as they lay under the boughs, did she glance up. “What is that?” she asked, pointing to the burgeoning seed.

He held her close. “The future.” Copyright 2016 - 2024