Matchmaker (Empire High #4) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,123

home but I didn’t have a bed there anymore. And we were going to need a bed. Well…maybe. A bed wasn’t entirely necessary.

“That depends on how our date goes,” she wrote back.

“It’s going to be a great date.”

“So cocky.”

I smiled. “Goodnight, Kennedy.”

“Goodnight, Matt.”

I looked down at the tub full of bubbles. Honestly, it looked pretty relaxing. I looked over my shoulder to make sure Nigel wasn’t watching, and then stripped and climbed in. I rested the back of my head on the edge of the tub. Tomorrow night was going to change everything. I’d had sex with too many women to remember. But I only ever loved one of them. I knew how that felt. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t starting to feel that way again. Kissing Kennedy was intoxicating. And I just wanted more. All I could think of was more.

My friends were right. I’d needed an intervention a week ago. But now? I really was happy.

I heard footsteps, but didn’t bother to open my eyes. “Nigel, I really don’t need any assistance.”

“Are you sure?” He asked. “I could…”

“I’m sure.” I was also positive that I didn’t want to hear the end of his sentence. “See you in the morning.”

“You don’t want me to check on the swelling?”

Are you kidding me? “No, Nigel, I don’t need you to look at the swelling. I’m fine.”

He sighed. “As you wish, Mr. Caldwell.”

I opened my eyes to make sure he was retreating. If I was being forced to stay here for three months, I’d need to set some boundaries. What am I even thinking? I wasn’t going to stay here for three months. Tanner would sort it out.

I sunk lower in the bubbles. Nigel was weird, but this place did have its perks. I lifted up the snifter of cognac that Nigel had promised. The life of a billionaire, I guess. Or was it? James was the only other billionaire I knew, and I was pretty sure he didn’t have a weird little servant trying to examine his cock all the time. I’d have to ask him about it. When I crossed that line into being a billionaire, I wouldn’t be hiring a houseboy.

My phone buzzed and I looked down, hoping it was another text from Kennedy.

Poppy’s name showed up. I pushed the phone away. I didn’t want anyone to disturb my bath.

Chapter 37


We were all hanging out at James’ place tonight. I was waiting outside for my surprise guest. I’d been looking forward to seeing Kennedy all day. We had a reservation at a hotel within walking distance of James’ place. Not at my usual hotel. Because I knew she wasn’t just some random hookup. And I’d never treat her like she was.

Not that the hotel or anything about tonight mattered until I told her what was going on with Poppy. I didn’t purposely keep Kennedy in the dark. I was just looking for the best possible way to explain the situation. Because I hated how it was all tied up with Brooklyn. Kennedy and I needed a fresh start. And this was the exact opposite. Tanner had helped me with a good plan though. A simple one that involved flowers and the truth.

I looked down at the bouquet in my hand. I had no idea what kind of flowers Kennedy liked. Maybe this was a bad idea. I should have brought her French fries. Relationship advice from Tanner couldn’t be that great. I’d never seen him with the same woman more than twice.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. My mom was calling. I still hadn’t called her back. Kennedy wouldn’t be arriving for another few minutes. I could use the distraction. And I honestly owed my mom an apology too. “Hey, Mom,” I said as I answered the phone.

“Matthew!” She sounded so relieved. “I’ve been trying to reach you.”

“I know. I just…”

“I know.”

We were both quiet. I thought about what Mason had said. That my fake smile may have fooled mom, but not him. I wasn’t so sure that was true. If it was, she wouldn’t always be so worried about me during this time of year. “I’m really sorry, Mom.”

“For what, sweetheart?”

“For lying to you for years about being fine. I don’t even know if half the time I realized I was lying. But…I realize it now. Because I’m actually happy.” I took a deep breath. “I met someone.”

I heard her inhale.

I didn’t want to make her guess. “Or rather, ran into someone I used Copyright 2016 - 2024