The Matarese Circle - By Robert Ludlum Page 0,76

the American Compound in Novgorod. He was a VKR agent." Bray studied Taleniekov's face, then looked back through the shattered window at Harry. "Congratulations. Things fall into place more clearly now." "They don't for me, I'm afraid," said the KGB man.

"Believe me when I tell you that it is most unlikely that any order out of Moscow would include a direct attack on Robert Winthrop. We're not fools. He's above reprisals-a voice and a skill to be preserved, not struck down. And certainly not for such-personnel-as you and me.,,

"What do you mean?" "This was an execution team, as surely as those men at the hotel. You and I were not to be isolated, not to be taken separately. The kill was inclusive. Winthrop was to be executed as well, and for all we know he may have been. I submit that the order did not come from Moscow." "It didn't come from the State Department, I'm damn sure of that." "Agreed. Neither Washington nor Moscow, but a source capable of issuing orders in the name of one, or the other, or both." "The Matarese?" said Scofield.

The Russian nodded. "The Matarese." Bray held his breath, trying to think, to absorb it all. "If Winthrop's still alive, he'll be caged, trapped, held under a microscope. I won't be able to get near him. They'd kill me on sight." "Again, I agree. Are there others you trust that can be reached?" "It's crazy," said Scofield, shivering in the cold-and at the thought that now struck him "There should be, but I don't know who they are.

Whoever I went to would have to turn me over, the laws are clear about that. Police warrants aside, there's a little matter of national security. The case against me will be built quickly, legally. Suspected of treason, internal espionage, delivering information to the enemy. No one will touch me." "Surely there are people who will listen to you." "Listen to what? What do I tell them? What have I got? You? You'd be thrown into a maximum security hospital before you could say your name.

The words of a dying Istrebiteli? A Communist killer? Where's the verification, even the logic? Godarnn it, we're cut off. All we've got are shadows!" Taleniekov took a step forward, his conviction in his voice. "Perhaps old Krupskaya was right-, perhaps the answer is in Corsica, after all." "Oh, Christ.... " "Hear me out. You say we have only shadows. If so we need a great deal more. If we had more, traced even a few names, constructed a fabric of probability-built our own case, if you will. Then could you go to someone, force him to listen to you?" "From a distance," answered Bray slowly. "Only from a distance. Beyond reach." "Naturally." "The case would have to be more than probable, if d have to be damned conclusive." "I could move men in Moscow if I had such proof. It was my hope that over here an inquiry might be made with less evidence. You're notorious for your never-ending Senate inquiries. I merely assumed it could be done, that you could bring it about." "Not now. Not me." "Corsica, then?" "I don't know. I'd have to think about it. There's still Winthrop." "You said yourself you could not reach him. If you tried to get near him, they'd kill you." "People have tried before. I'll protect myself. I've got to find out what happened. He saw it for himself; if he's alive and I can talk to him, he'll know what to do." "And if he's not alive, or you cannot reach him?" Scofield looked at the dead men on the pavement "Maybe the only thing that's left. Corsica." The KGB man shook his head. "I look at odds more thoroughly than you, Beowulf. I won't wait. I won't risk that 'hospital' you speak of. I'll go to Corsica now." "If you do, start on the southeast coast, north of Porto Vecchio." "Why?" "It's where it all began. It's Matarese country." Taleniekov nodded. "Again, the schoolwork. Thank you. Perhaps we'll meet in Corsica." "Can you get out of the country?" asked Bray.

"Getting in, getting out... easily managed. These are not obstacles.

What about yourself? If you decide to join me." "I can buy my way to London, to Paris. I've got accounts there. If I do, count on three days, four at the outside. There are small inns up in the hills. I'll find you.

Scofield stopped. Both men turned swiftly at the sound Copyright 2016 - 2024