The Matarese Circle - By Robert Ludlum Page 0,70

The landscape is different, but the trees are the same genus. They haven't varied much since the senators gave Rome to Caligula." "What did Krupskaya tell you?" "The past first. There were things I could not believe, until I spoke of them to several retired leaders of the Politburo. One frightened old man confirmed them, the others caused a plan to be mounted that cafled for my execution." "Your... T' "Yes. Vasili Vasilivitch Taleniekov, master strategist, KGB. An irascible man who may have seen his best years, but whose knowledge could be called upon for several decades perhaps-from a farm in Grasnov. We are a practical people; that would have been the practical solution. In spite of the minor doubts we all have, I believe that, I knew it was my future.

But not after I mentioned the Matarese. Abruptly, everything changed. 1, who have served my country well, was suddenly the enemy." "What specifically did Krupskaya say? What-in your judgment-was confirmedT' Taleniekov recounted the dying Istrebiteli's words, missions that traced scores of assassinations to the Matarese, including Stalin, Beria and Roosevelt. How the Corsican organization had been used by all the major governments, both within their borders and outside of them. None were exempt from the stain. Soviet Russia, England, France, Germany, Italy.

.. the United States; the leaders of each, at one time or another, had made contracts with the Matarese.

"That's all been speculated upon before," said Bray. "Quietly, I grant you, but nothing concrete ever came of the investigations." "Because no one of substance ever dared testify. in Krupskaya's words, the revelations would be catastrophic for governments everywhere. Now, there are new tactics being employed, all for the purpose of creating instability in the power centers." "What are they?" "Acts of terrorism. Bombings, kidnappings, the hijackings of aircraft; ultimatums issued by bands of fanatics, wholesale slaughter promised if they are not met. They grow in numbers every month and the vast majority are funded by the Matarese." "How?" "I can only surmise. The Matarese council studies the objectives of the parties involved, sends in the experts, and provides covert financing.

Fanatics do not labor over the sources of funds,,only their availability.

I submit that you and I have used such men and women more often than we can count." "For distinctly accountable purposes," said Bray, picking up his cup from the floor. "What about Blackburn and Yurievich? What did the Matarese accomplish by killing them?" "Krupskaya believed it was to test the leaders, to see if their own men could control each government's reac- tions. I'm not so sure now. I think perhaps there was something else.

Frankly, because of what you've told me." "What's that?" "Yurievich. You said he was your operation. Is that true?" Bray frowned. "True, but not that simple. Yurievich was gray; he wasn't going to defect in any normal sense. He was a scientist, convinced both sides had gone too far. He didn't trust the maniacs. It was a probe; we weren't sure where we were going." "Are you aware that General Blackburn, who was nearly destroyed by the war in Vietnam did what no Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has ever done in your history? He met secretly with your potential enemies. In Sweden, in the city of Skelleftea on the Gulf of Bothnia, traveling undercover as a tourist. It was our judgment that he would go to any lengths to avoid the repetition of pointless slaughter. He abhorred conventional warfare, and he did not believe nuclear weapons would ever be used." The Russian stopped and leaned forward. "Two men who believed deeply, passionately, in the rejection of human sacrifice, who sought accommodation-both killed by the Matarese. So perhaps testing was only a part of the exercise.

There could well have been another: eliminate powerful men who believed in stability." At first Scofield did not reply; the information about Blackburn was astonishing. "In the testing then, they pointed at me with Yurievich.

.." "And at me with Blackburn," completed Taleniekov. "A Browning Magnum, Grade Four, was used to kill Yurievich; a Graz-Burya for Blackburn." "And both of us set up for execution." "Exactly," said the Soviet. "Because above all men in either country's intelligence service, we cannot be permitted to live. That will never change because we cannot change. Krupskaya was right: we are diversions; we will be used and killed. We are too dangerous." "Why do they think so?" 'They've studied us. They know we could no more accept the Matarese than we do the maniacs within Copyright 2016 - 2024