The Matarese Circle - By Robert Ludlum Page 0,229

erect behind the window, her head held up, angled first to her left, then to her right, her eyes leveled, responding to voices. Responding.

And then Scofield saw what he dared not hope to see. Relief swept over him and he wanted to shout through the rain in sheer exuberance. There was fear in Antonia's eyes, to be sure, but there was also something else. Anger.

The eyes of his love were filled with anger, and there was nothing on earth that took its place! An angry mind was a mind intact.

He put the binoculars down, rolled up the windows, and started the engine. He had several telephone calls and a final arrangement to make.

When these were done, it was time for Mr. B. A. Vickery to arrive at the Ritz Carlton Hotel.

"Were you satisfied?" The Senator's voice was more controlled than it had been that morning. The anxiety was still there but it was farther below the surface. "How badly is the Russian hurt?" "He's lost blood; he's weak." "I could see that. Is he ambulatory?" "Enough to put him into a car, if that's what you want to do." "It's what I want to do. Both he and the woman in my car with me at the exact moment I say. I'll drive the car down to the gate and on my signal, the gate will be opened. That's when you get the X-rays and we get out." "I thought you wanted to kill him." "I want something else first. He has information that can make the rest of my life very pleasant, no matter who runs what." "I see." "I'm sure you do." "You said you'd meet with Nicholas Guiderone, listen to what he has to say." "I will. I'd be a liar if I didn1 admit I had questions." "He'll answer everything. When will you see him?" "He'll know when I check into the Ritz Carlton. Tell bim to call me there. And let's get one thing clear, Senator. A telephone call, no troops. The X-rays won't be in the hotel." "Where will they be?" "That's my business." Scofield hung up and left the phone booth. He'd place his next call from a booth in the center of Boston, to check in with Robert Winthrop, as much to get the Ambassador's reaction to the material in the envelope as anything else. And to make sure his pro- tection was being mounted. If there were hitches he wanted to know about them.

"It's Stanley, Mr. Scofield." As always, Winthrop's chauffeur spoke gruffly, not unpleasantly. "The Ambassador's still at the White House; he asked me to come back here and wait for any calls from you. He told me to tell you that everything you asked for is being taken care of. He said I should repeat the times. Eleven-thirty, eleven forty-five, and twelve-tif teen." "That's what I wanted to hear. Thanks very much." Bray opened the door of the drugstore telephone booth and walked over to a counter where construction paper and felt markers in varying colors were sold. He chose bright yellow paper and a dark-blue marker.

He went back to his car and, using his attach6 case for a desk, wrote his message in large, clear letters on the yellow paper. Satisfied, he opened the case, removed the -I..

five sealed manila envelopes, stamped and addressed to five of the nation's most powerful men, and placed them on the seat next to him. It was time to mail them. Then he took out a sixth envelope and inserted the yellow page; he sealed it with tape and wrote on the front.


He drove slowly up Newbury Street looking for the address he had found in the telephone booth. It was on the left side, four doors from the comer, a large painted sign in the window.


A thin, prim-looking woman with an expression of serious efficiency rose from her desk and came to the counter.

"May I help you?" "I hope so," said Scofield, efficiency in his voice as he opened his identification. "I'm with the BPD, attached to Interdepartmental Examinations." "T'he police? Good heavens.
Chapter Thirty
"Nothing to be concerned about. We're running an exercise, checking up on precinct response to outside emergencies. We want this envelope delivered to the station on Boylston tonight. Can you handle it?" "We certainly can." "Fine. What's the charge?" Oh, I don't think that will be necessary, officer. Were all in this together." "I couldn't accept that, thank Copyright 2016 - 2024