The Matarese Circle - By Robert Ludlum Page 0,181

Scofield's head. "From the day I took office two and a half years ago, Beowulf Agate's file has been in my private vault. It is removed only on dual signatures, one of which must be mine. It has not been removed, and it's the only file in England that contains any connection between you and the Grimes-Brazuk defection." "What are you trying to say?" "There's only one other place where that information might be found." "Spell it out." "Moscow." Symonds drew out the word softly.

Bray shook his head. "That assumes Moscow knows Grimes' identity." "Entirely possible. Like a few you've purchased, Brazuk was a bust. We don't really want him, but we can't give him back. He's a chronic alcoholic, has been for years. His job at KGB was ornamental, a debt paid to a oncebrave soldier. We suspect he blew his cover quite a while ago.

Nobody cared, until you came along. Who are these people after you?" "It seems I didn't do you any favors when I handed over Brazuk," said Scofield, avoiding the MI-Six man's eyes.

"You didn't know that and neither did we. Who are these people, Bray?" "Men who have contacts in Moscow. Obviously. Just as we do." "Then I must ask you a question," continued Symonds. "One that would have been inconceivable several hours ago. Is it true what Washington thinks?

Are you working with the Serpent?" Scofield looked at the Englishman. "Yes." Calmly Symonds released the chain and rose to his full height. "I think I could kill you for that," he said. "For God's sake, why?" "If it's a question of either your killing me or my telling you, I don't have a choice, do IT' "There's a middle ground. I take you in and turn you over to Grosvenor Square." "Don't do it, Roger. And don't ask me to tell you anything now. Later, yes. Not now." "Why should I agree?" "Because you know me, I can't think of any other reason.)f Symonds turned away. Neither spoke for several moments. Finally, the Englishman turned again, facing Bray. "Such a simple phrase. 'You know me.' Do IT' "I wouldn't have reached you if I didn't think you did. I don't ask strangers to risk their lives for me. I meant what I said before. Don't go home. You're marked... just as I'm marked. If you covered yourself, you'll be all right. If they find out you met with me, you're dead." "I am at this moment logged in at an emergency meeting at the Admiralty.

Phone calls were placed to my office and my flat demanding my presence." "Good. I expected as much." "Godamn you, Scofieldl It was always your gift. You. pull a man in until he can't stand itl Yes, I do know you, and I'll do as you ask-for a little while. But not because of your melodramatics; they don't impress me. Something else does, however. I said I could kill you for working with Taleniekov. I think I could, but I suspect you kill yourself a little every time you look at him. That's reason enough for me." 9

Bray walked down the steps of *the rooming house into the morning sunlight and the crowds of shoppers in Knightsbridge. It was an area of London compatible with staying out of sight; from nine A.M. on, the streets were jammed with traffic. He stopped at a newsstand, shifted his attach6 case to his left hand, picked up The Times, and went into a small restaurant where he slipped into a chair, satisfied that it provided a clear view of the en- trance, more satisfied still that the pay telephone on the wall was only feet away. It was quarter to ten; he was to call Roger Symonds at precisely 10:15 on the sterile number that could not be tapped.

He ordered breakfast from a laconic, Cockney waitress and unfolded the newspaper. He found what he was looking for in a single column on the upper left section of the front page.

VERACHTEN HErREss DEAD Essen. Odile Verachten, daughter of Walther, granddaughter of Ansel Verachten, founder of the Verachten Works, was found dead in her Werden Strasse penthouse last evening, an apparent victim of a massive coronary stroke. For nearly a decade, Fraulein Verachten had assumed the managerial reins of the diversified companies under the guidance of her father, who has receded from active participation during the past years. Both parents were in seclusion at their estate in Stadtwald, and were not available for comment. A private Copyright 2016 - 2024