The Matarese Circle - By Robert Ludlum Page 0,107

you were sweating. I was in charge of the pouch then, and asked you certain questions." "Brandont" exclaimed Silvio, his greeting effusive. "My dear good friendl How fine it is to see you again. if I could see you." The tall American walked out of the shadows into the dim light. Montefiori expected to see a gun in his hand, but, of course, it was not there.

Scofield never did the expected.

"How are you, Silvio?" said the "defector." "Well, my dear good friendl" Monteflori knew better than to reach for a handshake. "Everything's arranged. I take a great risk, pay my crew ten times their wages, but nothing is too much for a friend I admire so. You and the provocateur need only to go to the end of Pier Seven in Bastia at one o'clock this morning. My best trawler will get you to Livorno by daybreak." "Is that its usual run?" "Naturally not. The usual port is Piombino. I pay for the extra fuel gladly, with no thought of my loss." "That's generous of you." "And why not? You have always been fair with me." "And why not? You've always delivered." Scofield reached into his pocket and took out a roll of bills. "But I'm afraid there'll be some changes. To begin with, I need two boats; one is to sail out of Bastia to the south, the other north, both staying within a -thousand yards of the coastline. Each will be met by a speedboat which win be scuttled. I'll be in one, the Russian in the other; I'll give you the signals. Once on board, he and I will both head for open water, where the two courses will be charted, the destinations known only to the captains and ourselves." "So many complications, my friendl They are not necessary, you have my wordl" "And I'll treasure it, Silvio, but while it's locked in my heart, do as I say." "Naturallyl" said MonteflorL swallowing. "But you must realize how this will add to my costs." "Then they should be covered, shouldn't they?" "It gladdens me you understand." "Oh, I do, Silvio." The American peeled off a number of very large bills.

"For starters, I want you to know that your activities on behalf of Washington will never be revealed by me; that in itself is a considerable payment, if you place any value on your life. And I want you to have this.

It's five thousand dollar&" Scofield held out the money.

"My dearest fellow, you said ten thousandl It was on your word that I predicated my very expensive arrangenentsl" Perspiration oozed from Monteflorrs pores. Not only was his relationship with the Department of State in untenable jeopardy, but this pig of a traitor was about to rob him blindl "I haven't finished, Silvio. You're much too anxious. I know I said ten thousand and you'll have it. That leaves five thousand due you, without figuring in your additional expenses. Is that right?" "Quite right," said the Corsican. "rhe expenses are murderous." "So much is these days," agreed Bray. "Lets say fifteen percent above the original price, is that satisfactory?9% "With others I might argue, but never with you." "Men we'll settle for an additional fifteen hundred, okay? That leaves a total of six thousand, five hundred coming to you." "That is a troublesome phrase. It implies a future delivery and my expenses are current. They cannot be put off.

"Come on, old friend. Certainly someone of your reputation can be trusted for a few days." "A few days, Brandon? Again, so vague. A 'few days' and you could be in Singapore. Or Moscow. Can you be more specificT' "Sure. The money will be in one of your trawlers, I haven't decided which yet. It'll be under the forward bulkhead, to the right of the center strut, and hidden in a hollow piece of stained wood attached to the ribbing.

You'll find it easily." "Mother of God, so will othersl" "Why? No one will be looking unless you make an announcement." "It's far too riskyl There's not a crewman on board who would hesitate to kill his mother in front of his priest for such an amound Really, my dear friend, come to your sensesl" "Don't worry, Silvio. Meet your boats in the harbor. If you don't find the wood, look for a man with his hand blown off; he'll have the money." "It will be trapped?" asked Montefiori incredulously, the sweat drenching his shirt collar.

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