Masters at Arms - By Kallypso Masters Page 0,8

was a toilet nearby if she got sick. But it was awfully dirty in here.

The sounds of the fight outside brought tears to her eyes. Adam had only wanted to protect her and now he could be killed. All because she was stupid and selfish.

I just wanna go home. Please, God, protect him and help me get back home.

“Hands in the air!” Then silence. No more grunts, crashes, or groans. Her heart pounded against her chest. She closed her eyes. The rush of blood pounding in her ears blocked out any other sound. Tears streamed down her face.

Please let him be all right. Oh, God, let Adam be all right.

The sound of the bathroom door creaking open caused her to back up against the tile wall. She held her breath, hoping they would think she’d left. Stupid. They know you’re in here, Kitty. They can see your feet.

“Karla? Hon, you okay?”

The wind gushed out of her lungs. She’d held her breath so long, she gasped for air several times. Oh my God. Adam!

“It’s over. You can come out now.”

She dropped the backpack, fiddled with the wobbly latch, and opened the stall door. “You’re alive!”

“You know, I think I am.” He sounded surprised.

Relief was short-lived. Oh, no! His beautiful face! “You’re bleeding!” Blood trickled from his lip down to his chin.

“I’m fine. How are you doing?”

Me? How can he think about me at a time like this?

Maybe he was out of his mind from where they’d hit him in the head. Remembering freshman health class and all the times she’d watched Mom patch up Ian, Karla rushed to the sink and pulled out a wad of paper towels, wetting them with cold water. She blinked away the tears. She’d caused him this pain. If she hadn’t run away…

When she turned, she realized she’d never be able to reach his face.

“Kneel down. I need to clean you up.”

He waved her hand away, dismissing her. “I said, I’m fine.” His tone hurt her feelings. She was only trying to help. After all, his injuries were all her fault.

She remembered the tone of voice her Mom used to get Ian to obey her when he’d been stubborn, even when he had grown much taller than Mom. Karla pulled herself to her full five-foot-six-inch height and straightened her shoulders. “I. Said. Kneel. Down.”

That got his attention. He grinned at her in a funny way. Then he knelt.

Oh. My. God. It worked! He obeyed her!

* * *

Adam’s mind flashed back to the one and only time Joni thought she’d play the dominant with him. She was so damned cute in her over-the-knee stiletto boots, wielding a riding crop and wearing a black bustier that pushed her beautiful breasts up to the point of nearly spilling out. Well, he’d let her keep wearing the bustier and boots for a while, but wound up using the crop on her.

Ah, Joni. I miss you, my precious subbie. How can I go on—?

“What happened to those guys?”

Adam blinked and saw the pink-haired runaway glancing toward the door with worry, as she pressed the cold paper towels against his lip. He drew a deep breath, beginning to feel the pain radiating through his shoulder. “The police have them all in custody. They won’t be bothering anyone for a while.”

“Where else did they hurt you?”

“One landed a lucky punch to my shoulder.” Pulling the paper away from his lip, he saw it covered with his blood. He could have let those thugs put an end to his misery tonight. Instead, he’d learned he still had the will to fight for what was right. Karla had needed him. He’d answered the call.

She threw the bloody paper in the trash.

“I’m fine.” Rising to his feet, he felt aches in places he didn’t know he had. Definitely getting too old for this shit. He wet a towel and handed it to her. “You might want to wipe the mascara off your cheeks. I don’t want your parents thinking the worst about what adventures you’ve had tonight.”

“How did you know I wanted to go home?”

Good girl.

“Lucky guess.”

Apparently, she’d had enough of the exciting runaway life. If she hadn’t come to her senses, though, he’d already planned to take her home anyway, kicking and screaming if he had to.

After she’d cleaned her face, he picked up her backpack and slung it over his shoulder with a grunt. Shit. Was there any place on his body that didn’t hurt? He’d have a bruise on his shoulder blade tomorrow, Copyright 2016 - 2024