Master of Honor (Merlin's Legacy #5) - Angela Knight Page 0,14

did something to piss Uther off. I don’t remember what. He was in the process of breaking my ribs when Arthur intervened. The prince told me later he knew what it was like being on the receiving end of Uther’s fists, since his father was always accusing him of plotting treason.”

Her brows climbed. “He beat Arthur too?”

“Oh, aye. The king was a bull of a man, and Arthur was fourteen, so you can see what stones it took for him to interfere. If Uther had gone after him instead, he wouldn’t have had a prayer. But Arthur convinced the king my father would rebel if I died. Thanks to that silver tongue, Uther told him he could have me and be damned.”

“Wow.” She mentally took back some of her nastier opinions of the Once and Future King.

Ulf stared into the distance, a smile curving his lips. “It was like being rescued from the jaws of hell. Sir Kay was teaching Arthur and Lance swordplay, and he let me join the lessons. A year later, Uther was assassinated while dining with the prince. Arthur slew the assassin…”

She frowned. “Wait, wouldn’t he have been… what? Fifteen?”

“Aye. Arthur killed him with his belt knife when the whoreson tried to slit Arthur’s throat. Then we spent the next decade fighting all the rebellious nobles Uther had pissed off. Got right lively for a time.”

“No wonder you’re so loyal.”

“It wasn’t just gratitude, Cheryl. You should’ve seen Arthur then. So much charisma and shining optimism. And he’s a tactical genius. He could be hot-tempered, aye, but he truly believed God had made him king to serve his people as much as to rule them.”

Her brows lifted. “An idealist.”

“Exactly. Not the grim, ruthless son of a bitch he is now. God, he could give a speech. He can do that now, of course, but he believed it more then.” He pulled the curl he was playing with. Turned it loose to watch it bounce. “Then came Merlin, and the Great Mission to save humanity from itself.”

That she knew about. What are you getting at?

“There’s only so much we’re permitted to do, you know. In theory, the Majae could’ve laid spells on all those kings, presidents, and dictators to make them quit abusing their people. Even Hitler. But that would be a violation of our oath to Merlin. We can guide, but not force.”

He rubbed his thumb across her cheekbone, his expression brooding. “After a while, it starts eating at you. The failure and frustration. The two steps forward, one step back. By the time I met you, I was thoroughly fucked in the head. I didn’t think I could keep going any longer. What was the God-cursed point? Was humanity even worth saving?” A crooked smile bloomed across his face, and he huffed a laugh. “Then I watched you apply a carpet sweeper to that idiot’s balls. You were all fierce wit and courage… everything worth saving. But you didn’t need me to save you. You saved yourself. No wonder I fell for you.”

Yet all the time you were with me, you knew you’d eventually have to go.

Before the bitter thought could spill out of her mouth, Ulf bent and nuzzled her ear, kissed along the line of her jaw. And God, it felt good. Like his arms, wrapped around her, cradling her as if she was precious as he rolled to tuck her under him again. Some part of her wanted to forget the past and just melt into the pleasure he could give her so effortlessly.

Which was just fucking stupid, because he wouldn’t stay with her. Couldn’t, even if he wanted to. He was a vampire. To survive, he needed to Daysleep in the Mageverse ten or fifteen times a month, at minimum. And she couldn’t live in the Mageverse. She wasn’t sure what extended separation from her magic would do to her, and she didn’t want to find out.

Then there was Arthur, and the bond she now realized Ulf would never be willing to break. This meant nothing. A feeling of anger and weary despair washed over her, and suddenly she needed to get away from him. “Get off.” She planted her hands against his shoulders and gave him a push. Must have been harder than she intended; she lifted his torso off hers.

He looked down at her, frowning. “Cheryl…”

“I’m done.”

The pain that flashed through his eyes made her feel like the biggest bitch living, but she reminded herself how he’d left her hollowed Copyright 2016 - 2024