Mason Wolfe (Wolfe Brothers #3) - Sandi Lynn Page 0,32

you think something is up with him.”

“What is your fascination with this guy? For fuck’s sake, you just met him twenty-four hours ago, and it’s like he’s your new best friend. You asked me my opinion, and I gave it to you. You didn’t think it was odd how he was asking you about your family?”

“Not at all. He’s a lonely man, and he’s trying to get to know me. And to answer your question about my supposed ‘fascination’ with the guy, I find him interesting and easy to talk to,” he spoke with an abrupt tone. “And by the way, jealousy isn’t very flattering on you.”

“Excuse me?” I placed my hand on my hip.

“The way you’re behaving, you’re acting like you’re jealous of him or something.”

“Really? That’s what you think?” I spoke in anger.

“Yeah. It’s exactly what I think,” he shouted.

I put my hands up.

“Fine. Think whatever you want. I’m not discussing this any further. It’s obvious if someone doesn’t agree with you or see things the way you see it, they’re automatically wrong. I’m going to my room.”

“You’re bat shit crazy, Sara,” he shouted as I walked away.

“So I’ve been told.” I rolled my eyes and slammed my bedroom door shut.

Chapter 26


“Dammit,” I said as I gripped the counter and inhaled a deep breath.

Grabbing my keys, I headed towards the door. Placing my hand on the knob, I stopped, then turned around, threw my keys on the counter and headed straight to my bedroom. I had no idea what the fuck her problem was with Jack, but I wasn’t having it. She had no right to judge him the way she did.

I got up from the bed, walked to her room and opened the door in an angry manner.

“Excuse me!” she shouted.

“You have no right to judge someone before you even get to know them.” I pointed at her. “I thought you would have learned that already since you did the same thing with me.”

She picked up a pillow from the bed and threw it at me, hitting me square in the face.

“Get out of my room!”

“Real mature, Sara. Just think about what I said.” I shut the door.

This was ridiculous. Why was I even arguing about it with her? I didn’t give two shits what she thought.

I got up early and headed to the gym to meet my brothers. When I walked in, I only saw Elijah sitting on the bench.

“Hey bro,” I said. “Where’s Nathan?”

“He’s on his way. I guess Ruby was up all night with a fever.”

“Oh shit. I hope she feels better today.”

Just as I said that, Nathan walked over and joined us.

“How’s Ruby?” I asked.

“She still has a fever of 102. Allison is going to call the doctor today and see if she can get her in.”

“I know how worrisome it is when your child is sick. She’ll be okay, bro,” Elijah said as he patted Nathan’s shoulder.

I grabbed two plates and started warming up.

“So, how was dinner last night with your new BFF.” Nathan smirked.

“Who? What?” Elijah asked.

“Our little brother here has a new BFF. He met him at Rudy’s a couple days ago and had him over for dinner last night.”

“Shut up, douchebag.” I shot him a look.

“Who is this guy?” Elijah asked.

“He’s just a guy I met. He’s a crab fisherman from Alaska.”

“Damn. That’s a pretty dangerous job,” Elijah spoke as he did some bicep curls.

“He sat down next to me at Rudy’s and we just started talking. He’s an easy guy to talk to.”

“How old is this guy?” Elijah asked.

“I don’t know exactly, but I’d say sixty-ish.”

“Damn, bro. He’s older than Mom.” Nathan laughed. “What are you doing, looking for a father figure?” He laughed.

As much as I wanted to punch him, I couldn’t do it in the middle of the gym. Elijah raised his brow at me.

“He’s a nice guy and I feel sorry for him because he’s alone. He has no family and no friends from what I can tell. I was just being nice.”

Nathan laid down on the bench and gripped the barbell.

“Bro, you really need to add some more weight. I can lift more than what you’re lifting,” I said.

“Then put another plate on,” he said.

Elijah looked at me with furrowed brows, for he knew what I was about to do. I grabbed two forty-five-pound plates and put them on each side and stood behind to spot him.

“Come on, bro. You can do it.”

He grunted as he struggled to lift it.

“Bro, I’m losing it,” he Copyright 2016 - 2024