Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,9

she blushes, scrunching up her nose. It makes me giggle because I seriously don’t blame her. When my brother lived with us he would leave all his dirty washing around his bedroom floor, and have food shoved under his bed, it was gross. If he still lives like that then I feel deeply sorry for the woman standing in front of me.

“That bad huh?’’

“Something like that,’’ she laughs. “He didn’t know what you’d need, so I went round last night before he left and took a look. He left some money with me to get what you needed for the house, so I got you new bed sheets, towels, blankets and a new mattress. The change is on the kitchen counter. He thought you’d sleep in his bed,’’ she scrunches her nose up again and it makes her look adorable.

“Sounds like him. Thank you for doing that, you didn’t need to.’’

“Trust me, I did. I’ll leave you to get settled in, but if you need anything please let me know, I only live next door... I said that already didn’t I?’’

I chuckle, rubbing my rounded belly, until my chuckle turns into a yawn. Mason chuckles and the woman smiles, waving goodbye to us.

Turning around I open my mouth to say goodbye and thank Mason for dropping me off when he interrupts.

“I don’t think you should stay here by yourself. It doesn’t feel right you bein’ in this place alone when you could stay at our place,’’ he says.

“We’ve talked about this already, Mason. I’m not ready. You spent months pushing me away and then all of a sudden I’m back and you want me to move in, it’s all too soon.’’

“I didn’t want to push you away, I thought I was... look, we can talk about this tomorrow. Let’s get you inside. Do you want me to stay the night until your brother gets back?’’

“It’s fine. I’m a big girl, plus, I need some time to myself. I’ve had my Nan spoiling me rotten back home, so I need the space.’’

“That’s not your home,’’ he growls, his shoulders tensing.


“Here is your home, well not here, here, but with me here.’’

Another yawn leaves my mouth making him chuckle. I smile tiredly up at him, before locating the right key to the door.

“Can I come see you tomorrow?’’ he asks as he places my luggage by one of the front room chairs.

Unsure on what to do or say, I wait a couple of seconds before agreeing, “Just don’t expect too much from me.’’

“The only thing I want to know before I leave is, are we having a boy or a girl?’’

“It’s fifty, fifty at the moment.’’

“What do you mean?’’ he asks scratching the back of his neck, his arm muscles tightening under his tight t-shirt.

“I have an appointment Friday at the hospital. I missed the last two because it didn’t feel right going. I guess it felt wrong not sharing it with you or anyone,’’ I shrug, tears springing to my eyes again. Jeezus, if I cry one more time today, I’m going to eat a large chocolate cake. To myself.

“Oh... can, um... can I come?’’ he asks nervously, his eyes on my rounded stomach.

“I’d really like that,’’ I tell him honestly.

“Okay. Good. Yeah,’’ he grins big, as he heads back to the front door. I follow behind him, standing in the open door as he leaves. He turns around looking at me, his eyes shinier than they were earlier. My stomach flips with how intense he is looking at me, like I’ve just given him the world, or a day pass at the playboy mansion.

“See you tomorrow,’’ I smile, waving as he walks down the path to his car.

“See you beautiful,’’ he winks, jumping back into the car.

A shadow to the left catches my eye, making me jump. When Mason’s car pulls away from the curb, chills run up my arms and down my back. When I look back over to the shadowed figure it’s gone, and I quickly shut the door, double bolting it before checking the rest of the house.

By the time I’m finished I’m completely exhausted. My legs and back ache so badly that I can’t think of doing anything but sleeping. I’m out before my head hits the pillow.

Tomorrow I will worry about Mason, the baby, the court case and my friendship with Harlow. Tomorrow I will fully inspect my brothers little pad, but until then, I’m to the land of the fairies.

Chapter Three

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