Marrying Winterborne (The Ravenels #2) - Lisa Kleypas Page 0,43

willing. I had every opportunity to refuse. Mr. Winterborne explained what would happen. It was not at all unpleasant. It was—” She dropped her gaze. “I found pleasure in it,” she finished in a small voice. “I’m sure that’s wicked of me.”

In a moment, Kathleen patted her hand reassuringly. “It’s not wicked,” she said. “Some claim that women shouldn’t enjoy the act, but in my opinion, it certainly makes the process far more appealing.”

Helen had always loved Kathleen’s pragmatic nature, but never so much as at that moment. “I thought you would disapprove of me for having slept with him,” she said with relief.

Kathleen smiled. “I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m happy about it. But I can hardly fault you for doing exactly as I have done. As long as we’re speaking frankly . . . I’m expecting Devon’s child.”

“Are you?” Helen asked with delight. “I thought that might be the reason why you and he married so quickly.”

“It is. That, and I love him madly.” Kathleen reached for the bowl of sugar, picked out a medium-sized lump, and began to nibble on it. Tentatively she said, “I have no idea how much you know about these matters. You understand the possible consequences of sleeping with a man?”

Helen nodded. “There might be a baby.”

“Yes, unless he . . . took preventive measures?” At Helen’s blank look, Kathleen continued, “Dear, may I ask something quite personal?”

Helen nodded cautiously.

“Did he . . . finish . . . inside you? At the last moment?”

Bewildered, Helen said, “I’m not sure.”

Kathleen smiled ruefully as she saw Helen’s confusion. “We’ll have a talk later. It appears that Mr. Winterborne didn’t quite explain everything.” Absently she picked up the little gold timepiece that hung on a long chain around her neck, and tapped the smooth metal casing against her lips. “What are we to do?” she asked, more to herself than Helen.

“I was hoping that you and Devon would withdraw your objections to the match.”

“I’ve withdrawn them already,” Kathleen said. “In practical terms, no one is in a position to object to it now. And I owe you my support after the way I meddled in your relationship. I’m sorry, Helen. I truly was trying to help.”

“Of course you were,” Helen said in relief. “Don’t give it another thought. Everything has turned out beautifully.”

“Has it?” Kathleen regarded her with a wondering smile. “How happy you seem. Can Mr. Winterborne really be the reason?”

“He is.” Helen put her hands up to her flushed cheeks, and laughed breathlessly. “I’m all pangs and palpitations, just knowing that he’s downstairs. I feel hot and cold, and I can scarcely breathe.” She hesitated. “Is that what love feels like?”

“That’s infatuation,” Kathleen said. “It’s love when you can breathe.” Occupied with her thoughts, she repeatedly folded and unfolded a table napkin on her knee. “The situation must be handled with care. Devon must not find out that you and Mr. Winterborne slept together—he won’t be nearly as reasonable as I am about it. He’ll take it as an affront to the family honor, and—oh I don’t want to contemplate it. But I’ll talk him into accepting the match. It may take a few days, but—”

“Mr. Winterborne is going to tell him tonight.”

Kathleen looked at her alertly, setting aside the napkin. “What? I thought you said he’d come to apologize.”

“Yes, but after that, he’s going to ask for Devon’s approval of our engagement. If Devon refuses, he’ll tell him that he has no choice but to consent since I’m no longer a virgin.”

“Good God,” Kathleen exclaimed, leaping to her feet. “We have to stop him.”

“Mr. Winterborne may have told him already,” Helen said in dismay.

“He hasn’t yet,” Kathleen said, striding from the room while Helen dashed after her. “If he had, we would hear bellowing and things breaking, and—”

At that moment, an unholy clamor erupted downstairs: swearing, shattering, cracking, rattling, a heavy thud, a violent tumble. The walls of the house vibrated.

“Hang it,” Kathleen muttered, “he’s told him.”

Together the two women rushed downstairs, crossed the entrance hall, and ran full bore to the library. By the time they reached it, the room was already in a shambles, with a small table overturned, books strewn across the floor, and a porcelain vase shattered. Belligerent grunts and muffled curses thickened the air as the two men grappled viciously. Managing to gain traction, Devon shoved Rhys with enough force to slam his back against the wall.

With a hoarse sound, Rhys dropped to all fours.

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