Marrying the Playboy Doctor - By Laura Iding Page 0,36

been able to help overhearing them talk. He should have walked away, but when he’d heard Greenley ask her if she was seeing anyone he’d held his breath, waiting for her answer.

No, I’m not seeing anyone. I really don’t have time for a relationship.

Her words had cut deep. They shouldn’t have bothered him, but they did. He was the one who’d always kept his distance from women. He was the one who’d created the no-strings rule.

A rule he suddenly wanted to toss out the window.

Ironic that he’d been running from relationships for years, only to want one now with a woman who didn’t appear to feel the same way.

“Thanks for staying, Seth,” she was saying now, still in a quiet voice so as not to disturb Ben. “Dr. Greenley plans on discharging Ben today, so I’ll probably take him home before you get off work. Ben won’t be allowed to have the eyepatch off until our appointment on Thursday.”

“I see.” His stomach felt as if it were being twisted by a meat grinder. So this was it, then? After the closeness they’d shared over the past few days, this was it? He wouldn’t see her again until she was back at work, transporting patients in from the field?

No way. Absolutely not.

This must be how women had felt when he’d left them. Especially Rachel, the baseball pitcher. Maybe he’d been unfair all these years. Maybe his aversion to relationships was only because he hadn’t given them a fair chance?

“What about our dinner?” he asked, trying not to sound desperate. “I’d like to cash in on my rain check once Ben is feeling better.”

Her hesitation didn’t help his ego any. After what seemed like an hour, but was probably only a few minutes, she nodded. “Sure. We could do that.”

He willed his tense muscles to relax. “I’ll call you, okay? Besides, I’d like to check up on Ben—to see how he’s doing.”

“All right.” He was glad when she smiled.

“Take care, Kylie.” He wanted to pull her into his arms for a kiss, but figured that might be pushing it, considering Ben was sleeping right there. It would be just his luck the boy would wake up at the wrong moment.

“Bye, Seth.” She didn’t move toward him, but stayed right beside Ben, so he forced himself to leave.

But walking away from Kylie and Ben was far more difficult than he’d ever imagined.

The ED was busy over the next few days, but Seth didn’t forget about Kylie or Ben. In fact he hated the thought of Kylie going to see Greenley on Thursday. What if the guy asked her out again and this time she decided to go? Maybe she’d think Greenley was a better risk for a relationship than he was? The possibility haunted him, so he called her the night before the follow-up appointment.

“Hi, Seth.” He hoped he wasn’t imagining the warmth in her voice. “Ben has been asking about you.”

“He has?” The knowledge that Ben had missed him brought a surge of tenderness to his heart. Although he’d rather know that Kylie had missed him. “I’m off work tomorrow. Would you like company for Ben’s doctor’s appointment?”

“No. I’m sure you have other things to do with your day off,” Kylie chided. “However, if things do go well tomorrow, I was thinking of booking a babysitter for Friday night.”

Friday night? His heart leaped with anticipation. But wait, he was supposed to work Friday night. Thankfully there were a few people who owed him a favor. He’d never maneuvered a night off before. Hadn’t ever found a woman important enough to work around his hectic schedule.

“Unless you’ve changed your mind about dinner,” Kylie said, misinterpreting his silence.

“Not a chance,” he assured her. “I’d love to take you to dinner Friday. I was supposed to work, but I’m pretty sure I can switch with someone.”

“Oh, I should have thought to ask,” Kylie said. “If you can’t find someone to switch we’ll go another day. It’s not a big deal.”

He vehemently disagreed. Dinner with Kylie was a very big deal. Since he was supposed to work Saturday, too, he didn’t suggest a different night. “It should be no problem. I’ll call you tomorrow, just to confirm.”

“Sounds good.” There was a pause before she asked, “Ben wants to say hi.”

“Sure. Put him on.” There was a brief silence as the phone switched hands.

“Dr. Seth? How are you?”

Ben’s childish voice caused a lump to form in the back of his throat. “I’m great, but the better question Copyright 2016 - 2024