Marrying the Playboy Doctor - By Laura Iding Page 0,28

Ben is still growing. We don’t know for sure if he’ll become nearsighted or far-sighted as he grows. He’s too young to suffer such a significant loss of vision.”

“You’re right. I know you are. It’s just so hard to agree to such a drastic step as having surgery.” Kylie bit down on her lower lip nervously. “But I don’t want him to lose the vision in his left eye, either.”

Dr. Greenley gently took her hand in his. “We have some excellent pediatric anesthesiologists on staff,” he told her, giving her hand a squeeze. “He’ll be in good hands.”

“I know. Thanks for everything.”

Greenley let her go, stood and made his way to the door. “I’ll write the admission orders for Ben and see a nurse about assigning a room. I’ll get someone from anesthesia to come and evaluate him as soon as you’re settled.”

“Okay.” Kylie’s eyes were a little dazed, as if she still hadn’t realized the full impact because everything was happening so fast.

Seth took them back to the main area, trying to catch Alyssa’s eye to speed up the admission process. The sooner he could get Kylie and Ben into a private room, the better.

He listened as Kylie explained to Ben about the surgery, how it wouldn’t really hurt much at all, especially because he’d be asleep during the procedure. Ben took the news with a solemn braveness that made his throat close up.

Alyssa returned. “Okay, I have a room assignment for you. Ben will be on the third floor pediatric wing. There’s a roll-out sofa bed for the parents, if you decide to stay overnight.”

“Absolutely. I’m staying,” Kylie said.

Seth had never doubted it. Alyssa processed the paperwork and then helped move Ben onto a gurney when the transporter arrived. Seth accompanied them upstairs, waiting patiently until Ben had been fully admitted before turning to Kylie.

“Do you want me to run back to your house to pack a suitcase for the two of you?” he offered.

“I could use a few personal items,” Kylie admitted, running her hand through her hair. “But, actually, I’d really rather run home to get them myself. Would you mind staying here with Ben?”

Considering he probably wouldn’t even know what to pack for a six-year-old, much less maintain his composure as he riffled through her underwear drawer, he quickly agreed.

“I wouldn’t mind at all. Do you have your car keys?” he asked, remembering how he’d driven her car here to the hospital.

“I have them.” She pulled the keys from her purse. Still she seemed to hesitate, as if worried about leaving her son even for a few minutes. “I won’t be long,” she promised, bending over to kiss Ben’s cheek.

“It’s okay. Me and Seth will be here.” Ben had already found the remote for the television. “Hey, look, the Chicago Bears game is on.”

“Figures,” he said with a sigh, settling in on the chair next to Ben. “We missed most of the Packers game. But it looks like we won.”

“So far the Bears are winning, too,” Ben pointed out.

“Not for long,” Seth joked. “They always choke in the last quarter.”

“No, they don’t,” Ben protested loyally.

“Yes, they do,” Seth insisted.

Kylie slipped from the room, the car keys jingling in her hand as she walked away. He gazed after her thoughtfully, impressed and humbled at how she’d entrusted him to look after her most cherished possession.

Her son.


KYLIE drove home to pack overnight bags for her and Ben. She also included her laptop computer so she could do some work while Ben was in surgery. She made it back to the hospital in record time, even though she knew full well Ben was in good hands with Seth.

After slinging her duffel bag over her shoulder, she picked up her computer case and strode into the hospital, taking the elevator up to Ben’s room. She had to smile when she saw the two of them engrossed in the football game. Dr. Greenley had put a patch over Ben’s injured eye, so he wouldn’t strain it or get a headache from the double vision, but otherwise her son didn’t look sick at all.

Eye surgery wasn’t that big of a deal, she reminded herself. Complications from anesthesia were very rare. There was no reason to worry.

Although telling herself that and actually relaxing about the whole thing were two different issues.

Ben cheered when the Bears won their game. Seth grinned and confidently told Ben that it didn’t matter if the Bears won or not, because when the two teams faced off Copyright 2016 - 2024