Marrying the Playboy Doctor - By Laura Iding Page 0,15

to learn how to use the device yourself first, don’t you?”

She nodded. “Yes, but I don’t want to have to wait another three months, either. I’ll contact this company today, to schedule the initial training. Do you think we can get a rush on the equipment delivery?”

“I’ll do my best,” Seth drawled. His gaze landed on her empty plate. “Please, help yourself to another sandwich.”

She did as he suggested, figuring it was too late to protest now, after she’d already eaten one sandwich. They were delicious, and she wondered if he’d ordered them from the hospital cafeteria. If so, Cedar Bluff Hospital had better food than they’d offered at Chicago General.

Cedar Bluff was better than Chicago in more ways than one.

Amusement crinkled the corners of his eyes as he watched her eat. She felt her cheeks blush, and cursed her fair skin. “Thanks. I guess I was hungrier than I realized.”

“You’re welcome.”

She was grateful he was enough of a gentleman not to remind her how much she’d protested against sharing a meal with him. When she’d finished her sandwich, she began gathering her things together.


She glanced at him. “Yes?”

“Have you made an appointment for Ben to see the ophthalmologist?”

She was a little disconcerted by the change in subject. “Yes, in fact we go in to see Dr. Greenley tomorrow.”

“Will you let me know what Greenley says?”

“Sure.” She didn’t quite understand why Seth cared what the eye doctor had to say about Ben’s vision. Maybe he was just being nice, making conversation about her son. They obviously didn’t have anything else in common outside of work. “Actually, Ben has become quite obsessed about football ever since you put that orange-and-blue cast on his arm.”

“I bet he’d love to play the game himself—once the cast comes off, that is.”

She nodded. “Absolutely. I tried to find a football team for him to join, but I found out the peewee leagues have already started, and they’ll be over before he gets his cast taken off.” Ben had been very disappointed at the news. “But there’s always next year. Especially now that I know how early they start. Ben will get over it, I’m sure.”

“It’s going to be hard keeping him entertained while he has that cast on,” he said. “If you’re not busy this weekend, there’s a hospital employee baseball game on Saturday afternoon, at Cedar Bluff Park. The RNs challenge the MDs, and the game starts at one in the afternoon if you’re interested in coming by to watch.”

“That might be fun,” she said, noncommittally. “Are you playing?”

“Yeah, I am.”

She raised a skeptical brow. “If the doctors and nurses are playing, who’s staffing the hospital?”

“We take turns—unless someone volunteers to work. Heck, some of our patients even come to watch us play.” Seth flashed another of his lethal grins. “Did you think we’d close the hospital down for a baseball game?”

She flushed again and rose to her feet. “No, of course not.”

Seth stood also, and then circled the desk to open the office door for her. He was so close she could smell the musky scent of his aftershave. The smell pleased her far more than it should.

“So you’ll stop by? We could use some help in the cheering section. For some reason the nurses tend to get all the support around here.”

His gaze was addictive, his nearness making her pulse leap again. For a moment she almost forgot what he was saying. Then she pulled herself together with an effort.

A baseball game. A family event. Nothing special. Certainly not something he wouldn’t have hesitated to invite anyone to. Hadn’t he just said the patients even joined the fun?

“Sure.” Her house wasn’t all that far from the park. And the game might help Ben take his mind off his broken arm. Her son was already starting to chafe at the restrictions. “We live so close to the park we can walk over to watch.”

“Great.” Seth’s fingers brushed hers, and she told herself not to be an idiot—the touch was likely by accident. “I’ll look forward to seeing you this weekend, then, if not before.”

If not before? For a moment she didn’t understand his comment, but then belatedly realized he meant he’d see her at work. When she brought in another patient to the ED, as she had the first day they’d met. It hadn’t even been a full week since they’d taken care of their female heart attack patient together, and yet she already felt as if she’d known him much longer than Copyright 2016 - 2024