Marrying the Mobster - Victoria Vale Page 0,27

and sets his feet on the table.

“Not until you tell me what the fuck your problem is. Jaime had the best advice I’ve heard all day. Why won’t you just marry the girl? You don’t have to love her—hell, you don’t even have to like her. Stash her in a condo in the city or some shit, but put a ring on it and all our problems go away.”

My hand tightens around my glass. “You know why. I’m not marrying anyone, ever. Not even Oleg’s daughter.”

“Hell, I’d marry her if he’d allow it. Sexy little thing … nice tits.”

“Unless you have an idea that doesn’t involve me registering at Pottery Barn, get lost.”

Jovan straightens, letting his feet hit the floor. His playful expression becomes grave. “Actually, there’s something else I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve been keeping tabs on Santiago Aguilar like you asked.”


He shakes his head, lips pinched tight. “He’s making moves to leave the country. Permanently.”

Shoving my glass aside, I get to my feet. “Motherfucker.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Jovan drawls. “What kind of father leaves his daughter to pay his debt?”

I start pacing, running a hand through my hair. “The kind of man who stands back and lets a couple of mafia-men drug and abduct his daughter. He’s a fucking lowlife.”

Jovan crosses his arms over his chest and watches me, one eyebrow raised. “You’re pretty fired up. I mean … it’s not like we actually expected him to come up with the money.”

I shrug off his remarks, but inside I’m seething. Elena might be a thorn in my side, but none of this is her fault. I’m going to have to kill her, and knowing that makes me want to punch something. I’ve always been prepared to carry out my threat, but didn’t count on Santiago leaving me with no other choice.

“What do you want to do?”

“Santiago is signaling that he has no intention of paying up. You need to convince him that that’s a bad idea.”

Jovan frowns. “Do you really think it’s worth the trouble? He’s already failed to repay his debt twice now.”

I turn on Jovan, my face flushing hot as his reminder hits home. “When did you start questioning my orders?”

He doesn’t look the least bit intimidated. The others would be pissing themselves right about now.

“When you stopped acting like the Diego I know,” he fires back. “What is it with this bitch, huh? You got a hard-on for her or something? Shit, I would too, she’s a hot piece. So fuck her first, then waste her. But you can’t go back on your word, or talk will spread to every boss from here to Cali that the head of the Pérez Cartel is a pussy.”

With a roar, I throw myself at Jovan, yanking him out of his chair and hurling him against the nearest wall.

He holds his hands up in surrender, his lips twitching with a coming laugh. “Did I hit a nerve? You need to get laid, and fast … get your head on straight. I’m right, and you know it.”

I do know it, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to break his jaw. “Stop worrying about my sex life and do what I fucking say. Can you manage that?”

Jovan dislodges himself from my hold and straightens the jacket of his Valentino suit. “One ass-kicking coming up, jefe.”

I sink into my chair once he’s gone, my blood rushing and my senses begging for some kind of outlet. Bones breaking on the other end of my fists, a wet pussy around my cock … something. Anything to take my mind off all this bullshit even for a moment.

Glancing up, I find the portrait of my parents that has always hung in this room. When I’m gone, my portrait will replace it, looming over the new boss and his council—a reminder of the greatness of the Pérez family.

My parents don’t look like the typical loving couple, but then their marriage was exactly what Oleg has planned for me and Nataly—an arrangement made for the sake of strength and survival. It wasn’t something I ever wanted, because I knew it was all I could ever have. Any fantasies of a real wife and kids who love me died when I was still young and stupid enough to believe in them.

I look into my father’s eyes—dark and empty. He had just started sprouting gray hairs at his temples when the portrait was painted. I have his face—all hard edges and sharp lines. My mother is Copyright 2016 - 2024