To Marry a Prince - By Sophie Page Page 0,61

will go to them for a comment, as sure as eggs is eggs. And you really ought to do that before you issue the press release.’

Richard couldn’t stop looking at Bella. ‘I’m afraid she’s right,’ he said. ‘The Palace machine will handle my family. But what about yours?’

Bella groaned. ‘Oh, great! My mother will burst with joy and my father will never speak to me again.’

‘I’m sorry?’ said Richard, startled.

‘He’s an anti-monarchist. I told you.’

‘I didn’t realise he was that bad. He’d actually break off communication because you’ve gone over to the enemy? That’s impressive.’ Richard brightened suddenly. ‘Actually, I’ll get to meet him now, won’t I? Great. Maybe I can talk him round.’

‘Don’t count on it,’ said Bella. She was making a list. ‘Mother and Kevin. Finn. Neill. Granny Georgia.’ She looked at her watch. ‘I’ll text them now and speak to them properly in the morning.’

‘Don’t forget the people at work,’ Lottie instructed her. ‘And you’ll need to update your Facebook page. I’d advise you to change the settings or you’ll get all sorts of nutters leaving stuff on there. Now let’s work out what you’re going to tell everyone.’

‘Er – one thing,’ said Richard. ‘My mother wants to meet you.’

‘Yes, of course, we’ll organise a date.’

‘I mean tomorrow.’ He looked at his watch. ‘Make that today. As soon as possible. She said lunch.’

Bella and Lottie exchanged alarmed glances.

‘My mother,’ he said dryly, ‘is a warm and wonderful human being and a miracle of organisation and tact. But she doesn’t like being blind-sided. She’s not pleased with me for not telling her about you.’

Bella gulped. ‘I shall tell her that was because I asked you not to,’ she said bravely. ‘But please – not lunch. I have to work tomorrow. Life has to stay as normal as possible or I’ll lose myself.’ There was an edge of panic in her voice.

Richard was unperturbed. ‘Fine by me.’

It was Lottie who said wisely, ‘You don’t want the first thing you do as Richard’s acknowledged girlfriend to be a head-to-head standoff with his mother. Quite apart from the fact that she’s Queen of England, the mother of every son in the world would hate you for that.’

Bella’s jaw set. ‘I’m not turning my life upside down.’

‘No need to. Negotiate, Bel, negotiate. Richard … suggestions?’

He thought. ‘I’ll speak to her in the morning. Tell her you feel you have to talk to your own parents first. She’s not unreasonable – when she’s not spitting mad. I’ll sort something out.’

They worked out a list of who would tell what to whom, when.

When they had finished Lottie stretched and stood up. ‘That was a good night’s work,’ she said with satisfaction. ‘I’m going to bed now. If I were you, Richard, I’d stay the night. It’s too late for anything else. But your choice.’

With which tactful invitation, she wandered off.

He stayed.

This time they both remembered to set an alarm call. So the next morning Bella waved Richard off then rang her stepfather. It was 7.15 and Kevin was on the train, already on his way to work. He had not read her text of the night before, which was par for the course. Kevin did not like mobile phones and used them as little as possible. Bella told him the bare facts, as she, Lottie and Richard had worked out last night.

Kevin took it calmly. ‘That’s very good news, my dear. He sounds a fine young man. Time you had some fun … Your mother? She’s got a hairdresser’s appointment this morning, so she’ll be up in half an hour or so, I’d say.’

Janet had not read her text either. So when Bella eventually spoke to her, a few minutes after 8, her mother was inclined to think it was a joke.

‘It’s true, Ma. I met him at a party and we’ve seen each other quite a few times since. Last night somebody got a photo of us together and now it’s all over the internet. His office will issue a press release later today.’

But Janet still refused to believe her.

Finally Bella gave up. ‘OK, Ma. Have it your way. But if you Google “Prince Richard” plus “Rumour”, you’ll see the photo. I’ll email you the press release when it comes out. Call me if you want to talk about anything.’

Her father texted: Disbelief here. Where are your principles?

To which Bella replied immediately: YOUR principles, Phineas Fogg.

Granny Georgia texted: I look forward to meeting him. Back on Christmas Eve.

Bella went to work.

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