Marry Me for Real, Cowboy - Valerie Comer Page 0,9

her phone. “You know... how do I get on the internet?”

“Well, two things.” He dropped his rag into the bucket and looked at her, humor glinting in his eyes. “First, there aren’t any other houses for nearly thirty miles, so there’s no one to steal the signal.”

Oh. She hadn’t thought of that.

“Second, there isn’t any Wi-Fi, but you can use the computer in the office at the house when you need to. It’s hooked up to a satellite dish.”

Riley opened her mouth in protest but closed it. Repeated the movement. “How can you live like that?” she got out at last.

Adam chuckled. “We’re in the saddle from dawn til dusk around here, Ry. No one’s got time to worry about the world outside.”


He shrugged. “You get used to it. I’ll show you the office, and you can send an email to your friends and family to let them know you won’t be phoning or texting. Or updating your Facebook.”

Riley flicked on her phone. No bars. No Wi-Fi icon. No service. Great. She shoved it in her hip pocket and glared at Adam. “This might have been a deal breaker.”

“You’re an addict? Welcome to Rockstead Ranch, where we run IA meetings — that’s internet anonymous to the uninitiated — every evening, complete with hot chocolate and s’mores around the fireplace.”

Was he making fun of her? She stared at him, and he stared blandly back. “For real?” she asked finally.

“No.” Voice flat, Adam turned away. “Declan would never stand for it.”

“What if I don’t want anyone looking at my internet search?” Because how to keep creepers out of my house would only give Declan Cavanagh ideas.

Adam laughed, but it didn’t sound genuine. “What are you looking up? How to hide a dead body?”


He jerked to stare at her.


“You’re not funny, woman.”

“Lack of internet isn’t funny, either, cowboy.”

“Sorry. Never thought to mention it.” He glanced at his watch. “Almost supper time, and you get to meet everyone else and see the office. And we’ll grab some bedding from the house. Anything else you need?”

Riley raised her eyebrows. Like he didn’t know everything she owned was in her backpack and the two shopping bags from their trip through downtown Jewel Lake this morning. At least she had a few changes of clothing and a toothbrush. Precious little for three months, but who was there to care if she wore the same outfits twice a week? Only her fiancé, and he wasn’t real.

When she got off this ranch, she’d hit the mall in Missoula and buy as many jeans and shirts and cute boots as she wanted. Ten grand would go a long way.

A piercing airhorn sounded, and Riley jumped. “Oh, that scared the living daylights out of me.”

“Mealtimes are announced at seven a.m., high noon, and five p.m. You’ll get used to it.”

She let out a long shuddering breath, nerves suddenly swamping her innards. “If you say so.”

Adam stepped closer and rested both hands on her shoulders. “You’ll do fine, Ry. I’ll take care of you. I promise.”

If only she could believe that was totally true. She’d been looking for a man like that her entire life. But no, this was only a production fit for Hollywood, and she had a starring role. Adam, too, was only playing his part.

His lips on hers sent a different message.

Both hands on his chest, Riley shoved him away.

He narrowed his gaze as he stepped back. “What was that for?”

“Keep it to yourself when no one else is around.”

“As you wish.” His brown eyes darkened, and he pivoted on his heel. “Come along then. Dinner time.” He held the cabin door open for her and glanced her way as they fell into step together. “May I hold your hand, your royal highness?”

She grabbed his hand. “Don’t be that way.”

“Don’t be what way?” Adam’s voice was low, intense. “Send hot and cold messages? That’s you, Riley, not me. It may seem like this ranch is all wide open spaces, but it’s not, at least not here at the heart of it.”

How like a guy. As though she’d give him free rein to kiss her anytime he felt like it even in her cabin, just in case there was a peeping Tom? Not likely.

At first, she’d thought it was all a joke to him. Then only a ploy to get his stepdad’s approval. Now it seemed he’d lured her way up in the hills to enjoy his new acting career to the hilt.

Riley stopped in the middle of the gravel Copyright 2016 - 2024